Chapter Eighteen

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A week had passed and so classes had officially ended. The only reasons why people were returning to the college now were so that they could pack up their belongings and make sure that they had finished any coursework. 

In the down time that I now had, I decided it was about time for me to try to get my driver's license. I say try because I had a feeling this wasn't going to be the easiest of tasks. Besides, I had always been a slightly nervous passenger but I knew that I was just going to have to try my best. How hard could it be?

The instructor gave me ant rips that I needed to hear, and I soon began my journey on down the private road.

"You're doing great, Antonia. Just keep focused. You can probably speed up a little, here, if you like. There's not many people around," he informed me.

I just gave a subtle tilt of my head, as I pressed my foot gently to the accelerator, and then got a little nervous and ended up braking immediately.

"You'll be fine with time," the instructor informed me.

Well, I could only hope that this would be the case.

Eventually the lesson came to an end, and the instructor drove me home.

"In time, you'll be a natural," he told me.

"Thank you, sir," I replied.

"I'll see you next lesson, Antonia," he said.

I bid him a goodbye, and then wandered back into my house. My parents were out and work, and my brother was at school. So, I decided that although I didn't have much to do, it was probably about time I returned to college. If nothing else, at least it would give me an opportunity to see my friends again.

I knew that Brooke and the others didn't have much work to do, either, which meant that I would be able to spend more time with them. Well, all of them with the exception of Jase and Sara. They still were not talking to me. I also wasn't about to go out of my way to talk to Sara. I was a selfless person most of the time, but I felt as though it was about time for me to give up on trying to make friends with Sara. For whatever reason, she just seemed to have it out for me.

That was why I got this pang in my stomach, when I caught sight of her nearby my locker in the college hallway.

I wasn't sure why but whenever Sara was around, the atmosphere of the hallway seemed to become colder. Maybe it was just my anxiety, but it still felt strange, especially considering the sun was currently beaming in through the window, illuminating the grayish colour of Sara's eyes.

I soon noticed that she had a letter in her hand. At least, I thought it was a letter.

"What's that?" I asked. Naturally, my curiosity got the better of me.

Sara took a deep breath, and just gently moved some of her short brown locks behind her ear.

"I wanted to apologise. I kind of wrote an apology letter but..." she said, then.

I felt my eyes widen slightly in surprise. However, I waited for her to continue.

"What happened with Jase was nothing to do with you, Bennett. It was everything to do with him and I. He was the one that kissed me, yes, but I should have called him out on it. I shouldn't have accused you of splitting up our friendships and for that I truly am sorry," Sara stated.

I thought I would be more irritated, but I actually just felt relief wash over me.

"I suppose I was just curious about what would happen if I was nice to you for a change. I don't expect you to forgive me are a great person, Bennett. I'm sorry for ever making you feel otherwise. I don't know- maybe I was just jealous," Sara said.

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