Chapter Nineteen

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Near the end of June, my good friend Amelia gave me a phone call. 

"Hey Amelia," I greeted her. 

"Antonia! Hi! How are you doing?" she asked me. 

"I'm good, thank you," I said. Well, good was only the start of it. After my kiss with Brooke, I wasn't all too sure where my life was going, actually. I just hoped that she was going to remain a significant part of it. I couldn't help but smile, as I thought on it. Nevertheless, I decided that this was a matter I would leave to talk to Amelia about at a later time. 

"How are you?" I asked her. 

"I'm going to be in London soon! I wouldn't miss out on your graduation. Well, our graduation. I ended up completing a lot of the course online," she explained. 

"That's so exciting! When are you going to get here?" I asked her. 

"Today," she replied. 

Well, I hadn't been expecting to hear that, but I was excited all the same. It would be great to be able to see Amelia again. I hadn't spoken to her in a long time. The last time I did must have been back in January. We had tried to keep in contact with each other over emails, but I assumed that my emails had been eaten by internet goblins, as I had never received many replies. 

"I look forward to it," I said, feeling the corners of my lips lift a little at the thought of it. I really was looking forward to it, too. It was always a great thing to be able to see a good friend. I knew that I was going to have to fill her in on all of the Jase drama, though. 

Speaking of Jase, though, the two of us really were beginning to become friends again. 

"I'll see you soon. Ciao," she said, and I quickly muttered a 'goodbye' before she hung up the call. 

I just smiled to myself. Good ol' Amelia. I would see her soon. Soon probably meant a few hours from now, if my friend was as spontaneous as I remembered. It was a good thing, though, I thought. It kept the friendship alive. 

As we were nearing the end of June, Amelia's return wasn't the only dramatic event soon to happen. I would also be graduating and although I was slightly nervous for it, I had dreamt about this day for years. I was pretty excited, too. 

There was soon a knock at the front door of my house, which roused me from my thoughts. I went to open the door to find Amelia stood there. 

"Hey!" she said, as she smiled back at me. 

"Mills!" I greeted her, as I quickly grabbed her into a hug. 

She chuckled. 

"Hey, Bennett. How have you been doing?" she asked me. 

"Well, South. I have a lot to fill you in on. Do you have time?" I replied. 

"Yeah. I have time. Should we start making our way to college?" she asked me, as she moved a hand through her chocolate brown hair, and her kind amber eyes looked back at me. 

"Yeah. Let's go," I said. 

I called out to my family to let them know where I was going. However, I was sure that they were probably all far too busy to hear me. My mother had returned to work, and my father was currently trying to complete one of his masterpieces before selling it. I just hoped that he got a good price on it because the piece was amazing. It was definitely one of his best works. It would be sad to say goodbye to it, really. 

Anyway, Amelia and I ended up getting the bus to college. As much as I wanted to have passed my driving lesson, I knew it was going to take a lot longer than one lesson to secure my license. All good things took time. 

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