First Night

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Stef was making dinner & heard the whole conversation. She hated seeing Callie & Aj fight especially since they both have a newborn baby. This was supposed to be the best time of their lives & she needed to talk to Callie so they could all try to sort this out. She walked into the living room to see Mariana and Callie sitting next to each other.
"Dinner is in the oven" Stef said as both the girls nodded, she continued to talk
"Hey, Cal can we-" Stef said and was interrupted by Callie's cell phone ringing
"It's mama" she said immediately standing up and answering the phone as she started walking towards the stairs
"Ok I'll be there" Callie hung up
"Anthony's hungry" she said before quickly walking up the stairs and into the master bedroom to see Lena cradling the baby while he cried. Lena handed him to Callie
"Sorry baby, you need to start pumping milk so we can all feed him" Lena said watching Callie try to calm Anthony down.
"Yeah, I'll do that tonight"
"Here sit on the bed " Lena fluffed a few pillows and Callie sat down.
"Can you lock the door?" Callie said as she moved Anthony to her breast and he latched on right away, as always. Lena locked the door & sat on the opposite side of the bed flipping through channels
"You wanna watch tv while he eats?"
"Nah, I like the quiet.. I don't seem to really get much of that anymore" Callie chuckled as Lena looked over at her.
"How long does he usually nurse for?"
"About like 20 to 30 minutes" Callie said.
after a few minutes of silence Lena finally spoke up,
"How are things with you and Aj?"
Callie looked down at Anthony who had his eyes closed & looked so content drinking her milk. His little lips & eyebrows the same as Aj's.
"Not so good" Callie said honestly while gently touching Anthony's hair
"What's wrong?" Lena asked wanting more information
"I don't know.... it's like we're two completely different people. Too different. He doesn't know how to give me what I need. I wasn't ready to be a mom but as soon as i had Anthony something changed but for Aj it's like he's the same old person, he doesn't know how to be a dad" Callie said deep in thought.
Lena rubbed Callie's leg,
"You know, I think it takes guys longer to figure out stuff like that" Lena said and they both laughed
"I think he's just doing the best he can right now. One day it will click for him like it did for you, you gotta be patient with him, nobody is perfect, but at least Aj wants to be in his baby's life. He wants to try to figure it out" Lena said and Callie sighed
"I know it's just so frustrating because I don't seem to have any patience lately & I'm already exhausted" Callie admitted
"We're here for you" Lena smiled at Callie & moved over to kiss her forehead
"And I really think when Anthony is done you should go talk to him, ok?"
Callie nodded her head, she knew her mom was right.
About 10 minutes later Anthony released his latch & started fussing. She fixed her shirt & Lena grabbed her a burp rag as she began to lightly tap his back. After a bit they both heard a burp & Callie cleaned up his spit up.
"Ok I got it from here... go talk to Aj" Lena said taking Anthony from Callie's arms. Callie walked out of the room and went up to her door, she took a few deep breaths before opening the door to see Aj sitting on the bed on his phone. Aj glanced up at Callie then back down again.
"I'm sorry for overreacting " Callie said looking at Aj
"I will try to be more patient with you I just need more help from you"
"I don't appreciate you taking my son and locking the door. Do you know how that makes me feel? I was abandoned as a child so don't purposely take my own kid away. I'm not my father" Aj said as Callie looked down
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way I won't do it again I promise" she said walking over to sit next to him.
"I want us to be ok. For Anthony" she said with tears in her eyes
"We will" Aj saw a tear roll down Callie's face and he pulled her into a hug.
"It's gonna be ok" he said rubbing her back
"I just wanna be a good mom. This is a lot harder than I thought"
"You are a good mom. Honestly, it's actually cool to see how fast you picked up on everything. You really are Super Callie " Aj said as Callie looked up and smiled at him
"Thank you" she said
"You gotta tell me what you need from me Callie. I'm not Super Aj" he said and they both laughed
Aj leaned forward and gave her a few kisses on the lips. They both missed this.
"Dinner is ready!" Stef yelled from downstairs. Aj and Callie headed down shortly followed by Lena for dinner.

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