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Callie had a long time to think on the way there.
She was now not only sad but she was furious at Aj.
How could he be so reckless and let Anthony eat a grape? A whole grape and he's only 8 months old? Just when she started to have feelings for him again.
Stef noticed Callie was quiet the whole way but didn't question it, she knew she needed some time to think and to relax.
She missed Anthony so much she wanted to cuddle him and never let him out of her sight again.
They arrived at the hospital and Anthony, Lena, and the kids were already there.
They went into the room to find Lena holding Anthony and playing with him.
He was smiling and looked as if nothing had happened.

 He was smiling and looked as if nothing had happened

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Stef walked up to them and hugged Anthony as well.
"There's your other grandma!" Lena said.
Callie walked over to them and hugged Anthony as well with tears in her eyes.
"We checked him and everything seems perfect, he does seem to have a small cold so I did write some medications I would reccomend" he said and they all sighed in relief.
"In fact, we could start on the paperwork right now to get you all out. This must have been scary for you guys so I will also include some pamphlets on different CPR and infant heimlich classes" the doctor said smiling and then walked out.
Callie saw Aj walk in,
"How dare you?!" She said going up to him.
"Callie, it was a mistake and you're not perfect either. The important thing is that he's okay now" he said.
"Yeah but what if he wasn't? I never claim to be perfect but at least I have some fucking common sense. You don't give babies or kids grapes without cutting them up first!" She yelled.
"Hey okay let's just calm down" Mike said interrupting them.
"Mike..." Stef said motioning for him to stay out of it.
Callie glared at Mike and stormed out of the room.
"Ugh" Stef groaned as she followed her out.
"I don't want to be worried about Anthony all the time. I'm gonna be worried every day he goes over there I... we need to change the schedule.. he can't keep him on Sunday's anymore" Callie said visibly frustrated.

 he can't keep him on Sunday's anymore" Callie said visibly frustrated

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"Ok I agree. I will adjust the schedule and bring it up to Mike"
"I can't believe him" she said putting her hand on her forehead.
"Anthony is okay. This won't happen again Cal. You guys are both still learning, these things are very common" Stef said trying to reassure her everything will be okay.
"Okay" she said walking back to the room.
She saw Aj by the door and stopped,
"Thanks for reminding me of why we broke up in the first place. You're such a child" she glared at him and Aj rolled his eyes.
"Well, same here you're overdramatic and hyper all the time" he said and Stef led her back inside the room.
He got out his phone and texted his girlfriend,

A: you free tonight?
D: of course I am baby
A: let's do something. Your place?
D: I'm down
"Alright, I think we should get going" Mike said, it was a few hours later and everything was cleared and good to go.
As they were heading out Aj saw Brandon in the waiting room. He tried his best to avoid him, Brandon shook his head at him and looked the other way while whispering something. Aj did his best to ignore because he knew if he didn't Callie would never let him see Anthony.
Mike and the moms had decided that Anthony can go over still but Callie or Stef and Lena will be present for the next month as well to make sure everything was ok.
Callie wasn't a big fan of the idea but she decided she would do it for Anthony.
Mike and Aj left and shortly after so did everyone else.


"Goodnight moms, I'm so tired" Mariana said hugging them and heading upstairs.
"Can we talk to you?" Lena said to Callie.
"Yeah" she walked in to the living room.
"Here I can take him so you guys can talk" Brandon said reaching his hands out for Anthony.
"Thanks" Callie said and Brandon smiled,
"Of course. Hi Jakey" Brandon said walking towards the stairs with Anthony.
"Hey! That's my nickname for him!" Mariana yelled form upstairs.
Stef and Lena laughed at the exchange.
"Look honey, I think this new schedule is really going to work out" Lena said patting her knee.
"Yes, and with Sunday's off the table everything will be less stressful. Mike is really going to give him some tough love. I had a long talk with him at the hospital" Stef said.
"Ok, I'm just so over everything going wrong and Aj messing up all the time" Callie said.
"I know. It's taking him a bit longer to understand but he will get the hang of it" she said smiling at Callie.
"I hope so" she went upstairs to find Jude, Jesus, and Brandon in the room laughing.
"Looks like fun in here" Callie said giggling as she picked up Anthony.
"Thanks for putting him in his pajamas" Callie said.
"Yup, and his diaper is changed too" Jesus pointed out.
"Wow, I'm impressed" Callie said and Jesus laughed.
Just then her phone started vibrating for an incoming phone call from Aj.
She decided to answer the call,
"What do you want" she said in a harsh tone.
"Someone's grumpy" Aj said slurring his words.
She knew he must have gone out and gotten drunk, probably with his girlfriend.
"What are you doing?"
"I was out with Dawn and she let me have some drinks with her. Anywayyyy I'm almost home now."
"Mike is going to be pissed at you. You're 17 why are you out doing that for? You're pathetic" Callie was mad he was continuing to be careless, especially being a dad now.
"I was upset ok? So what I had some drinks"
"Whatever, and I'm telling by the way, why did you call me?"
"I just miss you I guess"
Callie was shocked he said that, she knew he was drunk but clearly he thought to call her even in his intoxicated state.
"Ok Aj. Goodnight"
"Goodnight. I love you, you're so hot" Aj said while breathing loudly into the phone.
"Ok. I'm going to hang up now" Callie pressed end on the call and put her phone back in her pocket.
It made her upset how the first thing Aj did was get drunk after he messed up, that's not how you solve problems.
Callie was worried about what kind of father he would be to Anthony. She also couldn't get his words out of her head.
"I just miss you... I love you" she felt warm inside.
She had almost forgotten she was still standing in Brandon's room.
"I don't know what all that was but, good luck" Jesus said leaving the room.
She looked over at Brandon,

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