Breaking Point

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"When am I going to be able to see you again"
Callie didn't know what to feel she was in absolute shock. Surely she wasn't taking that text out of context. She even put a wink face. Aj was cheating again and with the same girl. Callie was confused but most of all she was hurt and knew she had to confront Aj. She heard the shower shut off and tried to calm herself down, she didn't want to start screaming at him but this was the breaking point for her. She sat on Mariana's bed facing the bathroom door.
Aj walked out to see Callie staring at him with a blank face. He paused for a second trying to read her facial expression.
"You ok?" He said awkwardly as he walked to grab his clothes from his drawer.
"I don't know, why don't you ask Dawn?" Callie crossed her arms. Aj could see the anger on her face now.
"What do you mean?" Aj said nervously
"I'm not fucking stupid. You left your phone on the nightstand. She wants to know when she could see you again." Callie was still oddly calm even though she was furious. Aj stood there with a confused expression.
"Aj... I swear.. don't play dumb right now" she stood up from the bed and walked over to him.
"Are you cheating on me again?" Callie said holding his phone.
"I can explain" he said swallowing hard.
"There's nothing to explain, it's yes or no. Tell me"
"I saw her about a week ago.. we hung out and" Aj paused looking up at Callie.
"And what?"
"We kissed but I told her no more."
Callie let out a laugh filled with anger and hurt,
"Wow. Cheated on me twice. Is she that good?"
"Callie listen-"
"So much for 'let's be honest with each other' you're a LIAR! How long have you been talking to her?"
Aj faced away from her and didn't answer.
"We're done, you can go live happily ever after with her." Callie picked up a sleeping Anthony and left the room slamming the door she headed downstairs grabbed her car keys and put her shoes on.
"Umm where are you going?" Stef said confused watching her frantically try to head out the door.
"Anywhere but here." She said opening the door and heading out. Stef quickly followed closely behind her. Callie walked to the car and buckled Anthony in.
"Honey.. can you please just tell me what happened?" Stef said now very worried about her daughter. She didn't answer instead she went and got in the front seat to start the car.
"Cal-" Stef reached her hand out to touch her arm.
"Let me drive I'll take you wherever you want to go."
"Fine" She said as Stef got in and they drove off.

Stef was glad that at least Callie let her come with her instead of running off alone again. They had been driving around town for about 10 minutes. Callie was staring out the window not saying a word.
Stef parked at a nearby gas station.
"Please, can you tell me what happened?"
"Aj cheated again." Callie said blankly without hesitating.
"Oh my gosh." Stef was in shock
"I don't even care, I just never want to see him again." She said still staring out the window.
"I want him out of the house mom." She turned to face Stef as a tear rolled down her cheek. Stef didn't say anything instead she just wiped her tear and nodded. They sat there for a few minutes.
"Don't worry love we'll figure it out for Anthony. We will all always be here for you ok? Let's go back home & I'll talk to Aj for you."
Callie nodded her head and looked back at Anthony who was peacefully sleeping.


Lena took Anthony into their master bedroom.
"What's going on?" She asked Stef who was pacing the room.
"Aj cheated and I'm gonna go tell him he needs to leave the house."
"Oh no. Poor Callie, poor Anthony."
"I know. She's upset right now but I'm glad she trusts us to help her with this you know?" Stef walked out of the bedroom and into Callie's room to find Aj already packing a bag.
"So, you going to Mike's?"
"Yup, I figured nobody wanted me here anymore."
"Look Aj, you're still Anthony's father and nothing will change that even if things with you and Callie are done."
"I know just tell Callie I still want to see him often."
"Absolutely, I will be sure to text Mike to make a schedule so we can plan everything out."
"Thanks. You know I make dumb decisions but I still love her" He headed out of the room looking defeated. He waited outside until Mike came by to pick him up.
Stef went into Brandon's room to see Callie talking with him.
"So, letting you know that Aj just left."
"Thanks mom." She looked down and for the first time that day felt sad, absolutely crushed.

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