Happy Birthday

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It was finally Anthony's 1st birthday.
"Happy birthday!" Stef and Lena came into Callie and Mariana's room early in the morning with pancakes.
"Awe, thanks moms" Callie said picking up Anthony who was still in his crib.
"Hope he likes these pancakes" Lena said handing them to Callie.
"Oh, yeah he loves pancakes"
"Okay and don't forget we start setting up at 12 for the party. Everything has to be perfect for my grandbaby" Stef said in a serious tone as she looked over at Mariana who was under the covers still sleeping.
"Hmm since when did she become a heavy sleeper?" Stef said lifting an eyebrow. Callie looked down at Anthony trying not to seem suspicious.
"Alright, see you later my loves" she said as they headed out of the room.
"There's something up with Mariana " Lena said to Stef as soon as they shut the door.
"Yup " Stef said shaking her head.
"And you want to find out don't you?" Lena said in an exhausted tone.
"Yup" Stef said walking downstairs.
"Honey, let's let her come to us ok? It's Anthony's birthday. Do we really need to find out today?" Lena said and she paused for a second to think,
"Ughh well I guess you're right. Even though you know I have the patience of a 2 year old" she said and Lena laughed.
"It's just for one day" she said rubbing her arms and placing a kiss on her lips.
"You don't think she's hungover or doing drugs do you?"
"Honey..I thought we weren't talking about this today. Now let's go pick up the stuff we need for the party" she said and they both headed out the door.
"Oh my god!!" Mariana said coming out from the bathroom. Callie was feeding Anthony some of the pancakes on her bed.
"Did you tell moms about you know what?" She said in a whisper.
"Umm no. That's for you to tell, not me. Why what happened?"
"Mama just texted me asking if I'm okay.. are you sure you didn't say something?"
"Mariana, I didn't say anything. It's kinda obvious you're going through something. Look as long as you don't take any more today it'll be fine. Act normal" she said feeding Anthony.
"Okay, I'm gonna take a shower to freshen up."


A few hours later Callie walked downstairs with Anthony who was now showered and clean.
"Oh wow! Everything looks amazing! Save something for me to do" Callie said laughing as she put Anthony down. He walked and crawled around while they all keep an eye on him as they continued to decorate.
They put dinosaur footprint stickers on the floor to help guide guests the the bathroom and dining table where they put out finger foods and snacks. Surrounding the table was dinosaur balloons on either ends and green streamers on the ceiling. Outside they had tables set up with green table cloth and matching plates and silverware as well as more balloons around the tables and speakers.

They even had some sequins on the tables for decoration and rented a water slide

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They even had some sequins on the tables for decoration and rented a water slide. Pictures of Anthony were framed and displayed across the food and gift tables.
"Everything looks perfect" Callie said looking at all of their hard work.
"I think so too" Lena said wiping her forehead.
"Where's Anthony?" Stef said and they all looked around panicked.
Stef walked into the kitchen to see him standing at the fridge.
"He's in here!" She said and they all sighed in relief.
"What are you doing" Stef said and them immediately froze.
"What?" Lena said as she and Callie watched Stef pick up Anthony.
"What's all over his face?"
"... frosting" Stef said
"Oh no" Callie said
"Nope, it's fine. Everything is fine I'll fix the cake. Love, can you take him upstairs to clean him off again?" Stef said handing Anthony to Callie.
"Yup, sorry" she said going upstairs.
"I can already tell today is going to be just fabulous" Lena said laughing and Stef joined her.
Callie got Anthony cleaned and dressed again just in time.
Mariana had also cleaned up nicely and had on wedges, jeans, and a pretty floral top. Callie had on a red loong sleeve shirt with jeans.
"Wow look at you three, looking cute as ever!" Stef said picking up Anthony and giving him a kiss.

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