In The Middle

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She saw Aj shake his head and storm off into the house.
"Oh no" Callie said as she got up from the chair and ran inside after him.
"Callie!" Aaron called out but she ignored him. He got up and went inside after her.
"Are you okay?" Brandon said to Callie reaching for her arm so she could stop. He noticed she looked like she had been crying and that she was rushing somewhere.
"I'm.. fine.. I just need to talk to Aj" she said looking around.
"He went out back again. Are you two okay? Callie, you know this isn't your fault right?" He said opening his arms and she leaned in for a hug.
"Thanks.. but it is.. now she's at the hospital and Aj hates me and I ruined Anthony's party" she said crying quietly again.

 now she's at the hospital and Aj hates me and I ruined Anthony's party" she said crying quietly again

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"Callie, what she did was her fault. You were there to do whatever you could to help her. Things like this happen and the party wasn't ruined.. Anthony doesn't even know what's going on, he's upstairs sleeping" Brandon laughing slightly.
Callie smiled,
"Thanks" she said again as she wiped her tears.
"I would still like to talk with Aj though... without you" she said looking over at Aaron and he nodded.
He knew him being there would only make the situation worse so he went back out front and waited there.
Callie walked outside and saw Aj drinking from a flask.
"What the hell?!" She said running up to him and he backed away.
"What!?" He yelled back at her.
"Stop drinking!" She said trying to grab the container filled with alcohol but he chugged the rest before he handed it to her.
She grabbed the flask and smelled it.
"Oh my god, that's vodka" she said throwing it on the floor.
"Yup and what about it?" He said already starting to sound buzzed.

"I can't believe you! It's your son's first birthday how could you!" She yelled

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"I can't believe you! It's your son's first birthday how could you!" She yelled.
"It's not a big deal.. go back out with your boyfriend. It's not like you care" he said rubbing his temples.
"He's not my boyfriend! And you have a girlfriend so why does it matter to you?! You should be inside with her and not over here drinking!" She yelled again.
"It's because it hurts! I hate seeing you with him!" He yelled back to her and she looked at him confused.
"You're not thinking right and you're drunk now. So I'm gonna call Mike or something so he can come and pick you up" she said grabbing her phone.
"Whatever, nothing fucking matters anymore" he said sitting down.
"Nothing matters? What about your son?" She said upset.
"Well, yeah he matters" Aj said back shrugging.
"Seriously? Because it doesn't seem like it and it never has actually now that I think about it"
"Callie.." he said but she interrupted him,
"Just leave" she dialed Mike's phone number and he was on his way immediately after hearing what happened.
Callie went back inside and sat with Aaron.
"Wanna talk about it?" He said quietly.
"Nope" she said looking outside through the window quietly. He nodded and they sat in silence for about 15 minutes until Mike knocked on the door to take Aj home. She loved that Aaron listened and never tried to pressure her for an answer.
"I'm so sorry about this.. I'm gonna take him to another AA meeting with me tomorrow I think it'll help, it did last time" Mike said and Callie stood there quietly. She was exhausted from trying and she could tell Aj was hurting a lot and going through his own mental struggles.
"Okay" she said.
"Relapse happens, even in young teens who are trying to stop abusing alcohol. He just needs time and understanding" Mike said to her before he went outside, he ended up having to basically drag Aj out of the house, he was so drunk. He shut the door and they headed home.
Aaron noticed Aj was very drunk and how sad Callie was,
"I'm so sorry you have to deal with that" he said touching her arm.
Just then Callie got a phone call from Stef,
"Cal, I already let Brandon know but they have Mariana still admitted to the hospital, they think she's suffering from some brain damage and she's been... uhh... she's been in a coma since we arrived so... you guys can come to the hospital with us in about 30 minutes ok?" Stef said her voice shaking. She could tell how hard it was for her to talk. Callie's eyes filled with tears,
"Oh my god.. Yeah.. okay we'll be there in 30"
"Ok and we need everyone's support so, if you could just let Jude know the situation and explain that to him we'd appreciate it" she added.
"Of course... I love you" Callie said adding that last statement just to see if Stef was really mad at her,
".. I love you too" Stef said before hanging up.
"I'll be right back, just wait here, I'm gonna go talk to Jude and get Anthony" Callie said to Aaron.
"Okay. Take your time, I understand" he said which made Callie smile.
She went upstairs to find Jude when she noticed Stef and Lena's door was opened. She cautiously and confusedly walked into the room to see Dawn sitting at the edge of the bed,
"Oh my god!" Callie said yelling as she put her hand over her heart,
"You scared me. I thought you left already "
"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to and no, Aj told me I could wait up here and never came back" she said looking around smiling.

 I thought you left already ""Oh, sorry I didn't mean to and no, Aj told me I could wait up here and never came back" she said looking around smiling

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"Oh, yeah well, he left.. he was pretty drunk so I called Mike to get him" she said looking around awkwardly.
"Callie, I don't want this to be weird between us. I think you're really awesome and you're an amazing mother" she said still smiling.
"Thank you. That means a lot and actually that's the reason I wanted you to come today"
"I feel the same way. He's been drinking a lot lately and I'm actually kinda worried.. I also was gonna ask you for some advice.." Dawn said looking at Callie fearfully now dropping her smile.
"Uhh I don't wanna get in the middle of any drama or anything. I told him he needs to stop drinking and I talked with my moms and Mike so, there's not much else we can do" Callie said shrugging her shoulders. She didn't want to worry too much about Aj and was trying to focus on being the best mom she could be.
"No.. I needed your advice about something else.. not the drinking" Dawn said nervously. Callie looked at her confused and she felt an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach.
Just then Anthony started crying, he must have woken up from his nap,
"Just one second" she said heading over to his crib.
She picked him up and he immediately calmed down. She changed him and brought him over to the room with Dawn.
"Awe hi!" she said waving at him.
Anthony's face was sleepy and his hair messy from the nap.
"He's usually chatty after a nap, he must be tired" Callie said giggling while moving his hair away from his face.
"So precious" Dawn said touching his arm.
"So, I actually have to get going soon. We're going to see Mariana at the hospital, it's not looking too good. Maybe we can chat over text or you can call me?" Callie said turning away to walk out.
"NO" Dawn said quickly standing up which caused Callie to turn around and look at her confused.
"Umm I'm sorry it's just, I'm kinda freaking out and I need to talk to you about something right now" she said nervously moving her fingers around her watch.
"Ok.. what is it?" Callie said facing her and Dawn got up to shut the door. Callie laughed nervously,
"This seems serious" she said looking at her while adjusting Anthony on her hip.
"It is... I'm pregnant" Dawn said looking at her. In that moment it felt like her whole world stopped.

The end

Sequel announcement and first chapter soon, I will post the details in the next update for this story! Thank you all for reading

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