Step Mom

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Three months later:

It was only a few days away from Anthony's first birthday and everyone was running around trying to make sure the party was going to be perfect.
Lena had an appointment with the ballon art guy and Stef was sending her cake design ideas to a bakery, of course there were dinosaurs involved.
Callie was now a few months into senior year and she was doing great. She was also finally 18 and felt like more of an adult. None of the other students seemed to care or know about her son and she didn't really mention it either. She was now also auditing some art classes for college and everyone was so proud of how well she was doing. Aj ended up not being able to audit a class which made him upset. Espcially since he found out that it was because he didn't have a rich dad like Callie's to put in a good word. Lately he had been more stressed and on edge than usual but Callie tried not to worry about it too much. Mike was keeping an eye on him and making sure he was keeping on the right track.
She was wrapping up some goody bags for the guests when she got a phone call from Aj,
"Hello?" She said watching Anthony crawl around the room and put anything he could grab in his mouth.
"Hey, so I know Anthony's birthday is coming up and I had a question.."
"About what?"
"Well, I've been dating Dawn for like 8 months now and was wondering if it's okay that she came to the party. To meet everyone?" He said and Callie froze. She wasn't ready to meet Dawn and she still felt threatened by her as weird as it sounded.
"Umm.. I don't know" Callie said confused.
"Look, she's only able to come for about an hour or so, so she will be gone soon and it would be a great time for her to officially meet Anthony you know and you as well" Aj said.
"Ok. I guess you're right. I don't want her to act like a step mom though." Callie said.
"No, don't worry we'll be with everyone and she knows she isn't his mom or anything"
"Fine. Thanks for asking"
"Of course and thanks, bye Callie" he said and she hung up the phone.
Anthony crawled over to her and wrapped her in a big hug,
"Awe, you always know what I need" she said carrying him as she got up and gave him a kiss.
It was a Friday holiday off from school and work was later in the afternoon. She went downstairs to see Stef in the kitchen,
"No, no, no I said dinosaurs AND roses. Not dinosaurs OR Rose's why would I? Ok, can it be redone by Sunday morning? Thank you, ok, yes, bye" Stef said as she hung up the phone and sighed.
"Can you believe this place? Trying to give me a flower cake instead of a dinosaur one just because I asked for some roses on the side?" She said shaking her head and Callie smiled,
"Okay Karen, goodmorning to you" she said and Stef glared at her.
"I know it feels like I'm getting old I mean, I'm already a grandma! But I am no Karen" she said giving Anthony a kiss and Callie laughed.
"How is he doing love?" She said.
"He's great. He's also been sleeping super good throughout the night finally so that's awesome."
"Alright lemme see him, he probably wants some breakfast huh?" Stef said in baby talk while picking him up and kissing him.
She sat him in his high chair and gave him some oatmeal.
"Did you breastfeed him already?" Stef asked looking over at Callie.
"Yeah I did when he woke up about an hour ago"
"Okay good" Stef said feeding him.
Callie wanted to continue breastfeeding at least until he was one and a half. It was super good for Anthony's health and immune system and she also loved the bonding time with him.
Anthony was now in daycare on the weekdays for a few hours and he was really enjoying it and very happy.
Brandon walked down the stairs and to the fridge to grab some breakfast.
"Almost his birthday!" He said looking at Anthony and smiling.
"I know it's crazy how big he's getting. I don't want him to grow up" she said pouting.
"Oh before you know it he'll be a teenager. Enjoy these years" Stef said laughing and Callie nodded looking at Anthony.
"So, balloons are all set. 2 dozen dinosaur mixed green and blue balloons coming for the party!" Lena said walking in the front door.
"That's awesome thank you!" Callie said.
"Of course, nothing but the best for my grandbaby" Lena said kissing Anthony.
"He's so spoiled" Brandon said watching Stef and Lena swoon over him.
"So, there's actually something I wanted to tell you both.." Callie said and they stopped and immediately sat down,
"Yeah, what is it?" Lena said.
"It's just that Aj said he's inviting Dawn to the party.. so I guess I'm officially meeting her in a few days" she said nervously.
"What the hell? Who does he think he is?" Brandon said angry which caught Callie off guard.
"B let's just settle down okay? Cal, and are you comfortable with this?" Stef said gently.
"I mean, I guess I am. He said she would only be there for a few hours and I said it was fine.." she said looking at them.
"No, you can't let her come. This is your son's party and Dawn has nothing to do with. She's gonna pretend to be some step mom! Is that what you want?" Brandon said now almost yelling.
"He told me she won't parent and I'm going to be with Anthony most of the day anyway. I'm not gonna let her be alone with him and Aj" she said.
"Callie come on! Get real, of course she's going to want to be alone with Anthony and Aj. They snuck behind your back! He cheated on you with her!" He yelled.

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