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A few weeks had passed and Callie decided she wanted to go shopping for some furniture to put in her new room.
Things had started to go back to normal with Aj. As normal as it could anyway, they really weren't talking to each other anymore and Stef and Lena rotated visits with him. Callie didn't want to see him again. He probably didn't remember the phone call so she decided to let it go and since then he hasn't gotten drunk anymore that she knew of.
"You ready?" Brandon popped his head into Callie's room.
"Yeah" she said picking up Anthony and placing him on her hip, he was getting so big.
He was now officially 9 months and was even walking now a little bit and saying a few more words.
"I got him" Brandon said reaching out his arms and grabbing Anthony.
"Hi buddy, look at you so cute!" He said which made Anthony smile.
Callie watched the adorable interaction. Brandon was so good with him, she wished she could find someone else like him.
She looked down as tears formed in her eyes from the thought. She didn't want to be a single mom forever, she was only 17 but she was gonna be 18 soon and couldn't help but feel lost.
"You ok?" Brandon said noticing Callie looked upset.
"Yeah, we should go" she said grabbing her bag. Brandon had agreed to drive and go shopping with Callie for some furniture and things for the shed.
They arrived at the thrift store nearby about 10 minutes later,
"Oh this looks nice!" Brandon said pointing to a mirror.
"It does, but it costs $45 wow. Wow, I need to find something cheaper, that's the whole reason why we're at the thrift store and not the mall" she was pushing Anthony in his stroller which he loved.
"Do you like this?" she said showing him a wall decor and a pillow set.
"I love that, what was your theme again?"
"I'm still not sure but I'm going for simple I guess" she said putting the stuff in her cart.
They picked out a few other things for her room that were in price range and by now it was about an hour later.
She was looking for something for Anthony when she froze in her tracks,
She saw Talya walking with a few friends a few feet away from the store.
She quickly went behind a rack so she wouldn't be seen by them.
"What are you doing?" Brandon said watching Callie who had a worried expression.
"Talya is over there and I really don't feel like making a fake conversation with her so.. I'm hiding" she said and Brandon tilted his head and looked at her,
"Really? You're going back to school next month anyway for your senior year. I don't think it really matters"
"I know Brandon, I'm just not in the mood right now ok?" She said sighing. He knew she must have been at least a little embarrassed even though she would never admit it.
She did randomly stop attending school after being known as the girl from juvie, then had a baby at 17, and is now a single mom. She had been through a lot and he understood.
"Ok" he waited back with her until Talya left.
They payed for their stuff and headed out,
"Wanna stop by the pizza place? I'm starving" Brandon said.
"Sure" they went out to the car.
Anthony was knocked out from being in the stroller. It always made him fall asleep.
They sat down and ordered a pepperoni pizza,
"So, speaking of people you know from school, I wanted to tell you something..." he said taking a bite.
"What?" Anthony was now awake and Callie was carrying him on her lap, he was having a good time digging through the pizza and eating.
"Well, I invited Wyatt to come over tomorrow if that's ok with you? We were going to go to his place but decided since Jesus is here also it would be easier this way" he chuckled and looked over at Callie.
"Ok, that's fine" Callie said shrugging her shoulders. She was acting more calm than he thought she would. It was an awkward situation all around, he was both Callie and Marianas ex. He had gotten close with Wyatt over the past year because of Jesus and they were starting to hang out more.
"It's not weird at all for you?" he said taking another bite.
"I mean of course it is a little. He's my ex that's like bringing Aj over because he's your friend. Or like me bringing Courtney over" Callie looked at Brandon.
"I get how that can be odd but I think I'd be ok. You and Wyatt are friends right? At least a little. I would never have Aj over not after what he did"
Callie looked at him confused and slightly offeneded,
"What do you mean after what he did? Yeah it was horrible but it was a mistake and he is still Anthony's dad"
"Callie you were terrified and we were all worried about you. He put you in a lot of bad situations is all I'm saying and I wouldn't make you see him again" he said looking at her concerned.
"He will be around more. You don't get to decide what is right for me or Anthony." She was starting to get mad at Brandon for always hating on Aj.
"Why are you always defending him?" Brandon said sternly.
"Excuse me? Why do you hate him so much? Is this because of us? Our past?.." She trailed off, she was surprised he would even say that to her.
"No, Callie this is not about us. There is no us so why would that even be an issue" he said looking away annoyed.
"Fine, I guess I just don't get where all your anger is coming from"
"Why are you always trying to defend him instead of family. We are just trying to help you and Aj is trash, he's a cheater and immature. Do you still want to go back with him or something?" He said.
Those words caught her off guard. Did she want to get back with him? She was confused and didn't know.
"Well, I guess I feel this connection with him because he's the father of my baby and my first since you know what happened with Liam and I don't know I guess it's just not that easy" she said.
"I guess. I mean, I understand but just be careful ok? He has a girlfriend and I thought you were trying to move on too" he said and Callie nodded looking down.
"So, about Wyatt, you're ok with it?" He said trying to change the subject and cut the tension between them.
"Why wouldn't I be? Brandon you don't need to ask me permission if you want to hang out with friends... it's fine ok, we should go" she said cleaning off Anthony's face and hands with a baby wipe.
"Ok" Brandon said, he decided not to press the situation further and noticed she was upset.
Anthony was not happy to be leaving and he started crying and making a scene.
"I'm gonna go change him, I'll be right back" she said heading into the bathroom.
A few minutes later she came back with a smiling baby,
"Someone's happy now" Brandon said picking him up and giving him a kiss.
They arrived back home and Callie dropped off all of her things in the shed.
She figured she could just decorate another day since she was exhausted from the long day.


She layed down on her bed as Anthony crawled around the room, Mariana had surprised Callie by baby proofing their room as soon as Anthony started being more adventurous.

"I don't want you to move out" Mariana said looking at Callie, she was also laying down on her bed

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"I don't want you to move out" Mariana said looking at Callie, she was also laying down on her bed.
"It won't be for a little while anyway.. I barely have decorations" she laughed.
"I'll miss you guys, especially this one" she said touching Anthony's hair that was wet from the tub.
"I'll miss you too but on the bright side you won't be woken up at night or really early from him crying anymore"
"I didn't mind" she said and Callie looked at her confused.
"What do you mean you didn't mind. You complain about it all the time" she laughed.
"Yeah but.. that's just me being me. I really don't mind it"
"Hmmm" Callie said looking at the ceiling.
"Did you know Wyatt is coming over tomorrow?" She said.
"WHAT?" Mariana yelled and sat up.
"He is Jesus' friend and now I guess Brandon's too"
"After we just broke up that's like, against guy code or something. I'm gonna beat their ass" she said crossing her arms and Callie looked over at her,
"Didn't you break up like 2 months ago? Also, he's going to see Anthony for the first time. How awkward"
"Yeah that's gotta be weird.. and we broke up like a few months ago I guess but it feels like it was last week and I sent him a text message like a few days ago and oh my god this is a nightmare" she said and Callie rolled her eyes.
She didn't want to interrupt Mariana's banter. She layed there thinking about all the memories from when they were together and was scared seeing him again might bring some of those feelings back. Brandon was right though, it was time to open herself up to new relationships.

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