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"She had no need to ask why he had come. She knew as certainly as if he had told her that he was here to be where she was."

~ Leo Tolstoy (Anna Karenina Vol 1 of 8)


Meeting Miracle might have been the most miraculous thing that had ever happened to Blue but the move he pulled on her sixteenth birthday was a close competition.

Blue, a dreamer and a believer of all things impossible, be it magic, dragons or mermaids, even that Blue with her wide, all-encompassing imagination could hardly believe the otherworldly sight in front of her. How was she to know that Miracle would do such a thing?

To begin with, he had appeared out of nowhere, all smiles and dimples, claiming he had the best gift for her birthday. Suffice to say, Blue---sixteen-year-old, bigmouthed Blue---who prided herself in having an extensive vocabulary found herself at a loss of words.

His grin slipped slightly and he frowned. "Are you just going to sit there gaping? We're going to miss it."

You see, Blue was restlessly sleeping on her bed, her stomach full after stuffing herself to the brim on the birthday party thrown by her Ma and Papa with a few friends ('friends' mostly being Sherry and Warren) being invited over. It would have been cool, she supposed, if only Miracle were present. He had promised to arrive in time but he hadn't.

It had been nearly four years since they had defeated Evil and trapped him in the sarcophagus. To Blue, all of it seemed like a distant memory, like something she had made up in her mind rather than something that had actually happened. But, when she would wake up, screaming and shaking, demons prowling her dreams, she would remember how real it was indeed.

After the last time when Team Good had carelessly thrown the sarcophagus into the ocean and had ended up with an unexpected resurgence of Evil, they were determined to be more careful now. Hence, the sarcophagus was shipped off to a remote, secure site whose location Blue was not privy to. Miracle and the others took turns in watching over it and ensuring that the seal remained shut.

This time, it was Miracle's turn. But his return was promised by her birthday. So, when he did not show up, Blue was more disappointed than she would have liked. Nevertheless, she had cherished the simple fact of being able to celebrate with her family as a whole.

A few years ago, she wouldn't have been able to remember the last time her papa was present in her birthday. But, within these four years, when he had retired from the navy and become a full-time Dad and Husband, he had strove to arrange the gifts and surprises himself while her Ma buried herself in the paperwork that came with being an accountant.

Their life had become contentedly simple. Neither of them, unfortunately, remembered the catastrophic events that they had to go through. Blue often wondered if asking Miracle to erase their memories was a kind or selfish act on her part.

Unfortunately, not long after they had won the battle, Goodness had said her farewells too. After the near death experience Blue had had to go through, it was collectively decided (as in, by Miracle and the others; Blue did not have any say in it) that being Goodness's host only posed her as a target for unnecessary danger.

For a long while, Blue had felt the emptiness of where Goodness used to be but, soon enough, she became glad to have her privacy back and, you know, the rightful control of her own body.

Anyways, right now, dressed in her bunny rabbit pajamas (blue in colour, obviously) and her hair a bird's nest, she knew she made for quite a devastating beauty as she glared at the boy in front of her, his expression sheepish.

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