Ch 24 - Random Interactions : Barton Family

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Clint's P.O.V

I came back from my room after wearing a shirt and jeans ready to pick up my family at the airport as they were coming to spend some time at the Tower cause both kids Lila and Cooper had holidays. I was just getting a last minute snack and picking up keys when Tony walked in from his lab.

"Ok so as I was searching for this Peter, I came through a he'll lot of info but it makes sense that he suicided according to me" Tony said looking at his tablet walking out of his lab into the living room.

"And why is that?" Natasha asked. "Well his parents died when he was three. Lost his uncle a year back, he died in the kid's arms and now he lost his aunt. Even I wouldn't wanna live after that" Tony said with sympathy. "Jesus gone through so much at such young age" Steve said.

"See it wouldn't surprise me that he wanted to stay with no one after all that happened to people around him." Natasha said. "Did you get his number?" I asked. "Yeah. Why?" Tony said. "Well did you try calling it?" I asked. "No, he surely would have gotten a new one." Tony reasoned. "We wouldn't have lost anything just try calling it". I said back.

"OK you know what let's end it. Friday call Peter". Tony said. "Calling Peter". "You have reached Peter's voicemail don't leave a message I'm dead. No seriously no kidding" came the voice from speakers on the ceiling. "Oh my God the kid's a comedian" Scott said. "Well that didn't exactly sound like an answering machine" Bruce said.

"Friday can you hack the phone?" Tony asked. "Engaging hacking sequence". "Sir, Banner is correct there is an AI and I highly recommend that you back off else it could erase your private server database". Bruce and Tony looked at each other wide eyed and impressed. "Yes back off Friday" Tony said rubbing his temples.

I turned back to the hologram that displayed info of the kid. Such a huge cherry smile, grinning widely. He looked so happy. He didn't deserve all the sadness that he went through. "I gotta pick up the kids and Laura" I said. "Oh yeah the little devil and Mrs Legolas is coming" Tony said. "Haha very funny. So I'll see you later. I'm taking the 4 seater Ferrari" I yelled exiting the room and ran. "It's not in good condition it'll break down in the way" I heard Tony yelling but I thought he was trying to convince me not to take it.

I drove till the airport and it was in my sight when smoke started coming out from the engine and after moving a few metres it came to stop. I slammed the steering hard and walked the rest of the distance while calling Tony. "Hey your car broke down so I parked it at the side of the road and will take the bus back. Send someone to pick it up and if they don't find it, it was either stolen or towed by Police. Bye" "BARTON" he screamed and I ended the call.

I was just at the arrival waiting group of people waiting for their loved ones when I spotted mine. Lila and Cooper came crashing into me hugging me tightly and I hugged back smiling. I quickly gave a quick peck to Laura on the lips and kissed Nathaniel's forehead who was sleeping in the arms of Laura. "So how are we going to the Tower? I don't see any car."Lila asked. "Yeah where is the car?" Cooper joined in too. "Ah so the car broke down midway so we are gonna have to take the bus. The bus stop is a little far away so we can go there by a cab" I spoke cautiously.

"Nooooooo" Both the children screamed in union. "We can go on a drive afterwards" I said. "OK" both said and ran to the cab stop. We stopped a cab but there was someone sitting in it. We settled in the backseat with the stranger in the front. I took a better look at the stranger. He had mask on with cap on which was covered by his hoodie. He had a bag in his hand which had a some game cds in it. He looked back and immediately turned when his eyes landed on me. "Woah cool bro you have got the latest edition of Mario Cart" Cooper said taking a look standing from his seat.

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