Chapter 15: Out of the Shadows (Finale)

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A/N: Happy 3 year anniversary for The Hey Arnold Jungle Movie! I'm posting the last chapter of this story on this day, isn't that cool?

"It's the aggressive girl." Some random student said.

"I'm here for you. You got this." Arnold said to me.

"You're just one of those people who judges others based on one thing some idiot said about them. I pity you." I said to the student who called me agressive.

"Okay, don't hurt me!" The student said.

"I'm not like that anymore. But I don't give a damn what you think about me. Because I'm Helga G. Pataki, and I know I changed and I know there's more to me than meets the eye. It doesn't matter what you guys think. The only thing that matters is what I think."

I must've been loud because suddenly, more people arrived in the hallway I was in.

"You go Helga!" Patty called out for me.

"As long as you don't mess with Olga again, I can handle you." I said.

"I don't care about her anymore. You broke my arm, you asshole. I'm at this school for you now. I demand you to apologize." Summer said dramatically.

"Okay, I'm sorry...

Sorry that you're a little bitch!" I clapped back.

"OOOHH!" Some people in the hall called out.

"I'm leaving this hallway. Later everyone." I said as I walked away with Arnold. I wasn't sure what side people were on, but it didn't matter to me. I didn't care what any of those random people thought.

One week later...

Summer has been bothering me for the past week.. But I haven't been letting it get under my skin. She wasn't messing with my sister anymore, and I was thankful for that. I didn't let Summer get in between Arnold and me either. She may have tried get in between us before, but it didn't work because Arnold and I had built such a strong bond.

For the past week, each day has started out pretty much the same. Summer would come up to me and say something to try to get under my skin. But I didn't lash out at her like I would've before. It seemed like Summer was still trying to bother me, even though I was ignoring her for the most part. I guess she couldn't take any hints or was just pathetically persistent.

"Hey Helga, I-" She started to say.

"Has anyone seen a girl named Summer?" I heard, interrupting whatever Summer was going to say.

It was a police officer holding a flyer of what appeared to be a picture of Summer.

"She's a seventeen year old girl with blonde hair, and she is missing. We think she ran away from home, and we also think she may be here." The officer said.

"Oh crap!" Summer said.

She seemed to be saying that too loudly, so the officer made eye contact with her.

"Come with me!" Summer said to me.

"Why would I follow you?" I asked.

"I said come with me, damn it!" Summer said in agitation and then ran off.

I decided to follow her even though I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

I followed her as she made a beeline to the janitor's closet, and closed the door once we were inside.

"What do you even want Summer, your ass is busted for running away, there's nothing you can do." I said.

"I'll go with them, but I need to tell you something." Summer said.

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