chapter 6

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They arrived back at Louis' house, Harry went to help get the stuff out the boot but before he could get there a bunch of workers appeared at the door all walking down to the car. All of them took some bags and took them inside. "Mario can you take the car to the garage please" Louis said handing one of the men the keys to the car. "Of course sir, is your friend leaving or should I go lock the front gates?" He asked.

"Harry will be staying the night so you can go close the gate" Louis said. "Okay sir" Mario said before getting into the car. Harry followed as Louis and the girls walked into the house. "Mummy, Harry going to stay" Daisy said as she came running in and hugging her. "Oh Harry you look absolutely gorgeous" she said as she looked up and saw Harry standing there.

"He's a pretty princess!" Phoebe said. Jay chuckled "that's very true. The chefs are waiting to know what we want and then they will start cooking so how about you guys go down to the kitchen and tell them what you want" Jay said.

They all walked over to the lift and got in, the began moving down to the first floor. Harry pulled out his phone and opened Liam's contact:

Harry - I'm going to stay at Louis' tonight, are you okay with that?

Liam ~ yeah of course. Are you going to be okay, you've never stayed anywhere before, what if you have a nightmare?

Harry - hopefully I'll be fine

Liam ~ yeah, remember if anything happens you can call me or Niall. Okay either of us can talk to you and help you.

Harry - yeah I know. Thanks Li

Liam ~ I'll let Niall know you are there so he knows incase you call him

Harry - Thank you Lima, love you Li

Liam ~ love you too mate

Harry shut off his phone as they walked out into the kitchen part. "Ah, sir it's great to see you. What would you like today?" One of the workers said as they noticed them walk into the room. "Harry, what would you like, they can make anything?" Louis asked turning to him.

"Can I make something with them maybe if that's okay" Harry asked nervously. "I mean sure, if that's what you want" Louis replied feeling confused. "Thank you, well you guys can go, I'll see you when it's done" Harry smiled excitedly. Louis looked at Harry trying to work out why he would want to cook when they had people to do it for them. The girls all left and Louis hesitantly went with them leaving Harry alone with the workers.

"Sir, what shall we be making?" One of them asked. "Firstly you can all call me Harry, and what are all your names?" Harry asked. They workers all sid their names one by one "well its lovely to meet you all, there's quite a few of you so I'm sorry if I get your names wrong so just let me know if I mess up" Harry said apologetically as he tried to remember all the names that had been said to him.

Harry and the chefs got to work on making food. "Are you guys all eating this as well?" Harry asked as they only got out enough ingredients for Louis' family and him. "We normally cook something a bit later, we shouldn't eat what they are having it can seem disrespectful" Harriet explained. "That's ridiculous, get out enough ingredients for you to all have some as well" Harry instructed. They nodded and got out so much food.

They all began chopping and cooking the food. They made a pasta dish they had never made before with Harry telling them how to make it, he even wrote it all down so they could use it again if they ever wanted to. They also made brownie mixture to put into cook when they were eating so that it would then be ready for after they finished.

Once they finished Harry carried his plate and another up to the dinning room on the second floor. "Harry, hunny you don't have to carry the plates" Jay said as they all sat down. Harry placed his plate down and then put the other one next to him where Louis went to sit.

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