chapter 7

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He kept trying to calm his breathing by taking deep breaths inhaling the strawberry scent coming from his curls. He managed to reach across and grab his phone.

Harry - help

Liam ~ *no response*

Harry - Help

Niall ~ what's wrong, wait hold up I'll call you.

Harry sighed in relief that Niall was awake. A few seconds later Niall's contact appeared and Harry pressed over his screen trying to answer it but it was rather hard to see with all the tears in his eyes and covering his face. "Oh Harry, what happened?" Niall asked once he had finally answered the call.

Harry tried to get some words out, just any words....just one word....but nothing came out. Just sobs, muffled sobs from where he had shoved the bottom of his top over his mouth so he didn't wake Louis up. "Okay, okay. Just breathe okay, take a deep breath in hold it now breathe out" Niall instructed as he took deep breaths trying to get Harry to copy.

Nothing was working though, Harry's breathing remained heavy and quickly, not actually giving him enough oxygen. "Harry, you need to breathe okay" Niall said calmly trying to get Harry to listen. It wasn't working and Harry just squeezed his eyes shut as he grabbed his chest in pain. "Harry, I'm going to text Louis" Niall said really worried about the curly haired boy.

Harry tried his best to protest but nothing was coming out of his mouth apart from sobs and sudden gasps. "I've just texted him, I'm sorry Harry but you need someone there with you" Niall said apologetically as he knew Harry probably wouldn't want Louis to see him like this.

Just a few moments later there was a light knock at the door. "Harry, luv are you okay?" Louis asked softly. Harry didn't say anything but by taking the bottom of his top away from his mouth his sobs came out a bit louder. Louis opened the door slowly "Harry, oh my. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Louis said rushing over to Harry.

He climbed into the bed and sat behind Harry wrapped his arms around him as Harry moved his arms to cling on to him. "Niall what's going on?" Louis asked seeing that Niall was on video call to him. "I can't exactly tell you what's going on, you'll have to wait for Harry to explain it to you, but for now just help him calm down" Niall said. Louis nodded "I'm going to leave you two, tell Harry to call me in the morning" Niall said before hanging up.

"Harry luv can you take a deep breath for me please" Louis said calmly resting his chin on Harry's shoulder holding him as close as he could get. Harry just continued to sob "Harry, hey hey hey. It's okay, it's okay. I'm here okay you're okay, nothing bad is happening okay so try to breathe with me okay" Louis said trying to remain calm but seeing Harry like this made him feel sad and he was worried, who had hurt this lovely guy, who made him feel like this. Who ever it was Louis didn't like them.

Louis began taking deep breaths and instructed Harry to copy, after a while he did, he calmed his breathing down and his sobs just turned into a silent cry. "Harry what's wrong, what happened" Louis asked as he turned Harry's face so that they were facing each other. He looked at Harry and smiled gently wiping the tears from his face.

Harry said nothing he just stared at the bed covers. Louis brought two fingers up to Harry's chin and lifted his face up so they were looking at each other. "So what's made the prettiest princess in the land cry?" Louis asked in a soft voice. Harry couldn't help but smile "it's fine Lou don't worry" Harry whispered out.

"Lou?" He questioned. "Sorry, I just thought-" Harry started "shhhh it's okay you can call me Lou it's just the first time you've called me that" Louis said. "I mean I could just keep calling you boo bear" Harry said smiling again. "Oh so I see someone is feeling okay now" Louis said, rolling his eyes but he couldn't help but smile.

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