Chapter 22: Gabriel The Conqueror

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Chapter 22: Gabriel The Conqueror

"I have received a vision from The Oracle that you will be here."

The players all looked at Janus who then sighed heavily, like a father knowing that his son is safe after hearing of a landslide, upon the mention of The Oracle.

"So she too, huh?" He said with a saddened look.

But these words that came from Janus made the players more confused than relieved.

All they know is that Janus is a great player. He knows things that other high class players don't. He taught them all about designs and engineering, the do's and the don'ts of monster hunting, and he even led them to the most simplest of things, yet, the most awesome and fun adventures in Terroa.

Sand surfing with Worms, spelunking Rock 'o Mole habitats, stealing crystal eggs from Crystal Wyverns, harvesting the A-class rare honey grains during Bubble Wasps' infestation season... these are all just a few of the fun things they did on his company.

But, behind all these, they all only see Janus as a fun old man who knows many things.

And along with that impression, they also understood that he was an extra special player in the game.

When these red robed people carrying the marks of the Circle of Magi, and a delegate of the Circle themselves, spoke with Janus, their respect and admirations towards him increased another notch.

"Master Janus, we were sent here to give you a war—"

Before the leader of the group could finish, Janus had raised the hand who once held the Ivory earlier.

The Magi stopped talking and he bowed to show respect —which baffled the players, again.

"I already know what's happening." Janus said plainly.

The members of the circle trembled and the leader, the Magi, knelt down as Janus and  his group went close.


Janus tapped the Magi's shoulder and the Magi rise up to his feet with tears in his eyes. 

The youth members were utterly surprised when they saw the real face behind the hooded robe; a beautiful Maven NPC with a tiara and a few tattoos on her face. 

As it turns out, the Magi was actually a priestess.

"Destiny have been written even before all of us are born. It is our purpose to carry out the tasks we are made to do. For me, I am currently fulfilling my purpose and as for you and the order, you just have to continue supporting her. Especially now."

The Magi bowed and presented a glass bottle. Inside it was a folded piece of paper.

"Master Janus, this is the item we were tasked to deliver in your presence."

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