16- Don't make me choose, Kanha!

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Complex derivations of alternating current,

Brain tiring problems from integration,

Thesis regarding polymerization,

And passages from ecological succession,

I look at the heaps of books ,

Piled in stacks, all of them open,

Making me go mad.

But instead of all these,

Complex subtleties of academics,

All I see is a beautiful face,

Monsoon features with coal curls,

Silvery orbs lined with thick lashes,

Bow shaped lips and a sly smirk,

And a small crown with peacock feathers.

I wonder how it's possible;

Right before my eyes ,

Is a paper on transistor action,

But what I see is that beautiful ink face,

Dazzling like a million suns,

I sigh. How in the world,

Am I supposed to learn,

When all I can see is that handsome face?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath,

And tell myself that I am getting nowhere,

I am having an exam tomorrow,

Board Exam, I repeat inside my brain,

And ask myself to concentrate.

I open my eyes to find that same face,

Smirking at me with amusement,

As if to ask,

"Running away from whom, darling?"

I shake my head vigorously,

Trying to clear my thoughts,

Just in time for my mother to call,

"Dear, have you completed,

The five chapters that you were supposed to?"

I groan inwardly and brace myself,

But what do I tell her?

"Honey? Did you sleep off or something?"

Her voice chases me and,

I try to look as if I've been studying,

And tell her "I have completed only one maa."

"I'll do the rest easily, this one is big,

But the remaining ones are small."

I hate myself for the reply she gives me,

"See, darling, learn properly,

What happened to you?

Tomorrow's your exam and you know,

Our hopes are on you,

Not less than a hundred percent in Physics,

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