67- The Key

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I sit within my jail,
Tears drenching my heart.
Iron bars surround me,
Diamond fetters chain me.

My lungs choke and smolder,
Anger and despondency eat on me,
Grey clouds blow in thundering,
My life dilates a drop down,

Night approaches, as the moon dawns,
A silvery tune floats in from without,
Dizzyingly euphonic, rendingly melancholic.
Tiny bells ring tinklingly delicate

Dainty light footfalls echo,
And then she comes, that divinity.
Draped in a saree woven with peacock feathers,
Eyes sparkling like a doe's

Tall and regal, like a queen,
Her brown waves of locks
Like a waterfall across her shoulders,
Tiny pearls clasped in those curls

Her golden glow was unmistakable,
The dull blush and full lips,
Her earrings were peacock shaped,
Her crown- peacock feather engraved.

She smiled and the world seemed to pause,
Her eyes held the eternal salvation
Her form blazed as if she was verily Dharma,
And she walked like she was Truth incarnate.

She paused before the doors of Maya's jail,
And looked at me not with pity,
But love, infinite love cascading,
Through the iron bars into my cell.

"I can help you escape," she said,
"But you have to listen carefully,
And analyse every word meticulously,
I am here to help and guide."

Her eyes search my face,
And I stifle a sigh of relief,
"Who are you?" I breathe,
"And who sent you?" my mind reeled.

"My father sent me here,"
She purrs, mysteriously winking,
"And my name is Gita,
The Song Of the Lord"

"I am the very manifestation
Of the Key you seek,
To break out from Maya's prison,
And reach my Father's haven."

"Good luck", she smiled.

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