51- When exactly?

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When did I fall for that Natkhat?
Was it this morning, when He teased,
The life out me by dancing on the road,
And smirked from behind that tree

When did I fall for Him, that Govind,
Was it yester night when He sang me to sleep
Whilst tears ran in streams down my cheeks
That He blew so casually away

When did I fall for Him, my Mukund?
Was it last week when He hugged me close,
And tickled me endlessly and brought
Me all those monsoon rains I'd forever craved.

When did I fall for Him, Sri Hari?
Was it when He gifted me those pair
Of peacock feather engraved earrings
On an evening, a month ago.

When did I fall for Him, my Madhav?
Was it half a year ago, when
Angrily I tore that peacock feather
And threw on His idol, giving up.

When did I fall for Him, my Kanha,
Was it a year ago, when he haunted
All my dreams and thoughts,
I was, then, merely a puppet without the master

When did I fall for Him, that Visalaksh,
About few years ago, when He used to come
To my house for dinner and have a night off
So, we'd talk and gossip endlessly.

When did I fall for Him, that Krishna?
Was it when, I was humiliated beyond tears
And running away, I bumped into Him
Who held me close and promised Karma.

When did I fall for Him, my Narayan,
Was it five years ago, when I wrote Him that letter
That is still locked up in my almirah
Safe and secure, like my love.

When did I fall for Him, the one who stole my heart
Was it when I was twelve years old
On the day in Vittal temple, to everyone's dismay,
I showered and threw all those blossoms on Him.

When did I fall for Him, my beloved,
Was it when that ten year old me,
Childishly waited for Him throughout
The entire night of His Janmashtami.

Tell me, when did I fall for Him?
Was it when the idol of Krishna,
Became the best friend of a lonely girl,
Who was lost in the world of Kali.

When did I fall for Him, oh Universe?
Was it when I saw my name in every,
Picture of Him, as if He were calling out to me
From across ages and worlds and universes.

When did I fall for Him, that dark hued Prince
Was it when I was dressed up with a Morpankh
With a flute clasped at my waist,
Playing the childish game of God -act.

When, when exactly did I fall for Him?
Was it when a mother gifted her two year old
A brilliant blue Lord with lotus eyes,
To staunch her incessant crying.

When exactly, did He steal that heart of mine?
Was it the day, I uttered the words
'Krishna' and couldn't forget the taste
Of His name on my lips, addicted to it.

When did I start loving Him?
Was it the day, I was born?
When my grandmother asked
If I was Krishna or Krishni?

I'll laugh innocently at the mind blowing
Discovery that she made on the evening I was born,
How true her words had rung,
And made me who I am.

Perhaps, I'd been loving Him since,
The moment I was born,
Or perhaps, from all those births before,
But who can say for sure when,
Except Him?

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