91- Choosing Infinite

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I have a question, Milord.
A naughty one at that.
A cheeky smile creeps
As my lips curl upward with mischief,
I ask You: Why so different?

Krishna was the exact opposite,
Of Raghava Ram.
And Raghava Ram was the opposite,
Of Parshu Ram.

And then Matsya was ofcourse
Different from Kurma.
Which was in turn different,
From Nara Simha.
I know enough Biology,
To know that they all, infact,
Belonged to entirely
Different Kingdoms of Animalia.

Oh! Don't even get me started on Mohini.
Perhaps Krishna had a lot in common,
With that Mohini of Yours,
Mohan and Mohini! Ofcourse!
Leeladhar's Leela.

So many incarnations.
So many differences!
So many poles.
So many Beloveds!

If someone asks me to choose,
Who do I pick, Sri Hari?

The strikingly handsome Ram?
Or the beautiful, entrancing brother of Balram?
Or should it be the cute Vaaman?
Or the maddeningly dearest half-lion?
Oh Maybe, that flirtatious Mohini perhaps!

This thought makes me double up
With eternal laughter!
Not everyone has these many choices.
I can choose one from infinite.
Or just the Infinite as one.

But You know, I just might,
Choose Kalki instead.
You know why!
Oh, ofcourse You do.

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