78- An Emptiness

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Talking about wishes and dreams,

I have had just about a million of them,

I have wanted to become a scientist,

A doctor, an inventor, a teacher,

A painter, a dancer, an author, a poet.

A million dreams woven into this soul.

Yet all those were not my true dreams,

My dream, ambition and one true destination,

Has always been to love You, Kanha, only You.

Because, I have always felt an emptiness

Profound dwelling in my eternal soul,

And when I asked you,  Kanha, as to why,

Why I feel so empty and lost in this world,

You told me, with that trademark smirk of Yours,

That emptiness within me is a longing,

That You and only You could fill.

So, I am waiting, love, for You to come,

And brim this empty soul with love. 

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