89- A Dew Drop to a Dream

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Each drop of dew that sprinkles across my eyelids,
Leaves me wondering, Sri Hari,
About my life,
About You,
About our Reunion.
But this very unquenched saga is unending,
Leaving my throat parched,
And the ever speeding brain, barren.

I see You, my love. Drifting in between my vision,
In the work of embroidery on my salwar.
In the beads of my jewellery.
And in the earth scented Tulsi groves.

Sometimes You tease me.
While other days, you comfort me.
There are nights when we cuddle close,
Drawing on each other's warmth,
When the world out there spews sharp snowflakes.

This night, the moon reflects me as a thoughtful woman,
A quill in hand, tracing the alphabet,
Into well defined lines of poetry,
That infiltrate my pores and bubble across my bloodstream,

The quill spilling ink onto the roughness of parchment,
Your love spilling into the toughness of my heart,
Again, oh Narayan!
You always leave me questioning myself.

My heart hammering apart my ribs.
My arteries struggling with the pressure.
My brain discombobulated with images.
My feet sore from running for and away from You.

I am a river that only an ocean like You can calm.
I am a tree that only a wind like You can bend.
I am a lotus that only a Sun like you can blossom.
I am a star that only a galaxy like You can hold.
I am a smile that only a face like Yours can sport.
I am a woman who only a lover like You can claim.

I am everything with You.
And nothing without You.

So let those dew drops dance on my lashes,
And I'll let them drop down to the rhythm of Your flute.

Perhaps, I'll start to stop wondering,
If that gives me solace.
And let Your love quench my parched throat.
Dream day and night about our Reunion.

But for now.
This night.
I'll drop the quill on the parchment,
Decorated with the cursive letters,
And let the lone ink drops create beautiful blots.
Let me lie on bed and think about the galaxies.
Let me lie on bed and wonder about the heavens.
Let me lie on bed and close my eyes to your lilting flute.
Let me dream peacefully in Your arms.
Goodnight, Beloved!

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