October 19, 1993

23 3 0

Suheila woke to rough hardwood floors, covered by layers of animal skins. Bane sat against the wall of the ruins across from her, staring with those green eyes, unblinking.

Suheila sat up and yawned, stretching. "I'm still alive."

Bane shifted his eyes to the floorboards, and shrugged.

"You do know me." She pushed the furs off her. The chill of the morning air made gooseflesh creep over her. "Where are we?"


"You live here?"


Suheila frowned. "Will I see you again."

Bane nodded subtly, just once.

"Eventually, right? Will you kill me then? I would rather you didn't."

"Just go."

Suheila nodded. "I don't know where I am."

Bane raised an arm, and pointed.

"Alright, then. See you around, I guess."

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