November 26, 1993

26 4 0

Gina sat on the the edge of Gerald Dean's bed - what used to be Gerald Dean's bed - and stared at the blank walls.

Cameron wasted no time stripping his existence out of the room.

The two were never close, but it almost felt heartless to see the room so empty. She sniffed, and pressed her palms into her eyes, drying them.

Oh, Cameron. You stupid son of a bitch.

Gina startled a moment at the knocking on her door. It opened, and Cameron stepped in.

"I didn't say to come in."

He nodded. "You're right. This is as much your home, as mine. Privacy, then. I apologize. Excuse me."

Gina stood up, and reached for him. "Wait. One of us has to stop this or  both of us are going to suffer. You can't keep treating me like you don't know me."

"I don't. Maybe I never did."

Gina clenched her fists, and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. "I know you don't mean that... but that's what I mean. I deny you. You deny me. We deny one another. I apologize. You ignore it. It has to stop."

"I came to tell you your dinner is ready. Roast Duck breast in orange sauce. Sides are asparagus, and roast potatoes."

Gina shook her head. "I can't stay with you, Cam. Either you don't love me anymore, and you're doing this out of some misplaced guilt... or you love me enough - so much that you hate me - and your cruelty is calculated. You're not helping me. You're not making me stronger, or tougher."

"What can I do, huh?" Cameron shut the door behind him and took a step toward Gina. "You made your bed."

"My bed was with you, asshole. Not Brenna. Not Amnesia. Not anyone but you. It's always been you."

"Except when it wasn't. Except while I've been with here with the gypsy."

"...with the gypsy." Gina crossed her arms, and Cameron flinched.

Cameron frowned. "With Marisal."

Gina nodded. "People don't call their mates 'the gypsy'. You're so full of shit! That stupid charade downstairs. I didn't buy it, and I don't buy it, Cam. What will it take for me to make you love me? How do I get your trust back? I chose you!"

"You chose me... but not The Order. You put me in a position to choose you over The Order, and I cannot do that."

"You're a shit liar, Cam! You've always been a shit liar. You're not a politician, and you're not one of the Griffords. You're not even happy being a part of The Order, the one thing you were so reluctant before you agreed to join up. I'm sorry about your father, and I'm sorry you feel so badly. I'm sorry they're holding his passing over you like it's something you have to live up to if you're going to be successful."

"You don't know what you're saying."

"Don't I? Cameron Dean, the great hero. Savior of me, and selfless to a fault. Reluctant in everything that your precious order represents, and you choose that? You're going to regret it, and worse, I'll regret it. I'll regret doing whatever it takes to win your trust."

"My trust? I beat you like a dog over some convoluted plan to win you over to The Order. I am everything you hate about it."

"No. You're everything you hate about the order, and you know it. You're at the point where you have no direction. It's so bad, you're willing to do anything to prove it wasn't a waste."

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