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He kept quiet not saying anything. Oh my goss Xavier probably told him about what happened. I wouldn't put it past him. His angry at me anythings possible.

"Donovan what is it? You're scaring me."

More silence.

"Speak damnit or I'll have to make you..."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


"It's not the right time is it?"

"No it's okay. And yes I'll be your girlfriend."

"For a minute I thought you were gonna say no."

I walked over to him and hit him on his arm. He flinched.


"You're such an asshole. You made me think I did something wrong."

"Why would you think that? Did you do something wrong?"

"No of course not."

He pulled my arm and I ended up landing on top of his lap.

"I'm glad you said yes. You're truly amazing."

We spent the most of our day chilling at home.

"(Donovan) Wanna go out for dinner?"

"When? Now?"

"Yes. Why not?"

"I'm not ready. It's to short notice."

"Well what are you waiting for?"

I got up and put some nice clothes on. I decided on a mid length black dress with some elegant heels.  When I walked out of the room I heard Donovan gasping.

"You look so beautiful."

"Thank you. Shall we go?"


Dinner wasn't to bad. But what came after, that was the problem. I wasn't prepared for what was coming my way. I reached to open the door but he stopped me to kiss me.

"I'm so lucky. I might even be the luckiest guy on earth. I love you Bennett."

"I love you babe."

He opened the door and scooped me up.

"What about the door?"

"I'll close it now."

He put me down in the room and he went to close the door. I took my makeup off.

"You're so damn beautiful."

"Stop it. I'm not."

What he said next shocked me.

"But that dress is in the way though. I'd love to just rip it off."


I bit my lip at the thought of what he just said.

"Bite that lip again and I might do it."

So I teased him just to see how far he'll go. I bit my lip once more. His lips made contact with my neck. His breath was cold and minty.

He moved his hands along my thighs pushing the dress up. I was playing with fire but to be honest I didn't care. His hands were moving dangerously high.

"(Claire) Donovan."

He bit a small part of my skin in my neck. A soft moan escaped my mouth.

"Yes babe."

"Maybe we should sto.. Stop."

"But why? Is something wrong?"

"Oh goss."

"Don't deny it. You love the way I'm making you feel right now."


I pushed him back slightly and grabbed his arm leading him towards the room. Once we reached the room I pushed him onto the bed and straddled him.

"(Donovan) Wow babe didn't think you had it in you. But this dress though."

"What about it?"

"It's in the way."

"Then do something about it."

"Maybe I will."

He took my dress off.

"You're marvelous."

He flipped us over and kissed his way down my body. Something about him kissing me felt different from the way Xavier usually kisses me.

It felt pure, sweet and even a bit romantic. Where as when Xavier used to kiss me it used to be filled with wildness. If I can explain it that way.

We were interrupted by Donovans phone ringing. Seriously! He kissed me before leaving the room and answering the phone.

I got up and changed into my pajamas. I wasn't planning on going to sleep, I was gonna wait until he came back but that felt like ages.

I was sound asleep when he got back. But he startled me.

"Hey babe did I wake you?"

"No it's okay. What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing."

"Babe I can see it's not nothing."

"My mom called. I have to go home for a few days."

"Why? Did something happen."

"No. Well not yet. My grandfather fell and got hurt badly. My mother needs help taking care of him. And since my dad is away on a business trip I have to go and help."

"When are you leaving?"

"Well were leaving later today."

"I can't leave. I have school."

"Oh yes I forgot. It would be nice if you could go with me."

"I'm sorry babe. But I just can't I got tests and projects coming up."

"It's okay I understand. I'll be gone for 2 weeks."

"I love you babe, enjoy your trip and send my regards. I'll see you soon, before you know it."

He packed his bags and I fell asleep. It was odd not having him sleeping next to me. I got so used to it.

It's currently the next morning and I'm on the verge of getting ready for school. I'm glad the play has passed, that means I won't have to spend any extra time with Xavier.

I hope he doesn't see me at school, I can't face him, not after everything that has happened. My apartment felt so empty, as empty as the day I moved in.

The drive to school sucked, I really need to get someone to drive with me. Pulling up to the parking lot I saw Xavier holding Emma along side all his friends.

He honestly feels like a distant memory. I got out and went straight to class. Drama was first. I took my seat as the bell rang and waited for him to arrive but he didn't.

Maybe he decided to skip class. Or whatever not like I care.

"(Ma'am) Claire you don't perhaps know where Xavier is?"

"No ma'am why would I it's not like were together."

"Just asking you two seem to be good friends."

"No ma'am. We got along to make a success of the play but that's it."

"Right. Talking about the play. On behave of the school we'd like to congratulate each and every one of you on making a success out of the play. You all worked so hard and we're proud of you all. But most of all we'd like to congratulate Claire and Xavier. It wasn't easy and they had to do extra work after hours but they managed to play their roles flawlessly. And that ending was outstanding. We didn't even practice that but they improvised and gave the play a twink. Thank you all so so much we couldn't do it without you."

Why'd she have to bring up the kiss. Like seriously that's the last thing I needed right now.

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