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Xavier has this crazy idea that I'm gonna throw a party now that I'm living on my own. Please it's bad enough that I go to parties and drink now he wants me to host one. Please can you imagine me having a party?

"Come on Claire you know you wanna."

"Yes I know I don't want to."

"Come on please one party that's all I'm asking. I wanna show people how cool my girl is."

"That's the problem it never stays at just one party and excuse me I'm not your girl, we're strictly friends."

"In my eyes we'll always be more than that."

"Whatever keep on dreaming and between us, we're not having that party."

"Agh you're worse than my little sister. Claire love if you wanna get through life you gotta learn to stop being so uptight."

"Shut up. I'm so not uptight."

"Make me. You are look at you."

"I'm gonna ignore you and just leave."

"One love, please."

"Forget it. And that's it we will not speak about this again."

He gave me a sour look and I shrugged it off. I wasn't giving him what he wanted. If I really wanted to host a party I would do it because I wanted to not because he told me to. He eventually left to go and visit his mother.

She was still in hospital. My heart felt heavy just thinking about it. All I could do was pray that she'd be okay. I put on some music because I wanted to take a nice hot bubble bath. My body moved with the music and I heard the front door opeining and closing.

Now I know it wasn't my mother because she would of told me if she planned on coming over. I felt hands on my body and I knew it was Xavier. He's touch had become was to familiar. He was breathing heavily in my neck and his hands were all over my body.

"Babe you know you wanna do it, you wanna throw that party as bad as I do. I know it you just won't admit it."

"Xavier we can't."

"Why not? You scared of being thrown out?"

"No it's not that."

"Then what's stopping you?"

"We have nothing to throw a party with, no snacks, no alcohol, no nothing."

"Leave it in my hands I'll get the boys to get some supplies."

"No, we can't do that I'm sorry."

He continued breathing in my neck, oh damn that drove me crazy. He started placing soft kisses on my shoulder all the way up to my neck. No matter what happens you can't do it. You can't give in to his charm, you got to stay strong.

"Please love, please say yes. I mean how could you refuse because even if you're not saying anything I know that what I'm doing is working. I always get my way and when I get it you'll be mine. Watch my words, so stop fighting me and throw that party. Otherwise I'll be forced to kiss you on those beautiful pink lips of yours. And we both know that will get me a definite yes."

"It's not fair you can't use my weaknesses against me."

"Your weakness is my advantage."



"I said..."

He placed rougher kisses on my neck, turned me around, picked me up, placed me down on the bed and kissed me. But these kisses weren't like the usual ones, there was more emotions involved. This was to good for my own good. Why couldn't I just resist him, why did I want this so badly?

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