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Temptation can be so sweet but so bitter at the same time. Before I knew him everything was so perfect. I didn't need anyone or anything. I had my path set out. I knew where I was supposed to go. I knew what I had to achieve. But after you well there's just after. They say temptation is sometimes the root to all bad choices. You might get lost along the way, you might lose a piece of you loving someone else but that's part of learning, that's part of the fun.

Sit back and relax as I unfold the story of how we got here. How I let things go so far, how I got my heart broken and how I managed to be the first girl to play the player. I was smart I'll admit I played his game better than he could ever.

Hi I'm Claire Bennett and this is my story. I was the quiet kid, you know the one always sitting in the corner not saying anything. It was a Monday morning and I was on my way to class. On my way there I passed Xavier and his goons. They never before paid any attention to me but I guess today was different, call it my lucky day if you wanna.

"Hey babe doll, you from around here?"

"Yeah Xavier actually I've been here since the very beginning."

"How do you know my name?"

"I was in your History class three years ago."

"Didn't notice."

"Yeah I figured that much, because if you did you wouldn't be asking me a silly question like are you from around here?"

"Whatever facts are I've never seen you around before."

"Well you see I'm a very quiet person and I did my best to stay out of your way."

"And why would you do that?"

"So that I wouldn't just be another girl on your little list."

"What list, I don't have one."

"You know for someone very educated you sure as hell act dumb."

"What did you just say?"

"I said you act dumb because that list of you may not be a written one on paper but it exsists in you mind."

"I really don't appreciate you tone little girl!"

"And I don't like your attitude. So I guess you can say we're even. We both dislike something about one another."

"You better watch you mouth!"

"Or else?"

"Don't test me, you won't like the end results!"

"What's with all the threats. Put your money where your mouth is."


"Yeah that's what I thought. So if you can excuse me I'm gonna miss my class. Cheers losers."

"Did you just...."

"Can't hear you, sorry to far away."

I turned around and left. I wasn't gonna wait for him to say or do anything. I felt good I had just stood up to the schools biggest player and I lived to tell the tale. Anyway as usual I took my seat and waited for Emma to join me. I had to tell her what just happend.

"Finally, I thought you'd never get here."

"Hey what's up?"

"I just stood up to Xavier and his goons."

"Shut up."

"I'm serious, I was on my way to class when he stopped me and asked me if I was new or not. So I told him I've been here since the beginning and that I used to have History with him. He couldn't believe it and I told him that such an educated person shouldn't be so dumb. He got upset and told me he didn't like my tone so I told him I didn't like his attitude, anyway so that happened and when I left I said cheers losers."

"Are you crazy?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"You could get into so much trouble, do you realize that?"

"What trouble could him and his goons possible give me?"

"Ummm let me think...they could make your life a living hell."

"They can try, I'm not as weak as I look."

"It's not about being weak, it's about still having a life left."

"Please they won't do anything."

Class ended as soon as it started. I was on my way to drama when Xavier bumped into me again. I remembered that he was in my drama class.

"(Xavier)Funny how we meet again."

"I wouldn't call it funny rather ironic."

"And why would that be?"

"Because I disobeyed your rules when I in fact shouldn't have. I lived to tell the tale and had you speechless."

"Do me a favor stay in you place next time."

"It's not me that should stay in my place ,it's you."

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me, anyway your wasting my time."

"I was hoping we could have a descent conversation but clearly not."

"Xavier I don't mean to be rude but we'll never have a descent conversation ever."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I know your type."

"My type and what might that be?"

"The type that plays girls, drinks, smokes and parties all the time."

"Well that's not very nice of you but yet a very accurate description."

"See you're not even denying it."

"Why should I, I'm living up to my labels."

"Can you do me a favor and leave me alone, it's safer for the both of us."

"I'm having a party, why don't you swing by?"

"Can't I'm busy."

"It's weekend, with what could you possibly be busy."


"Come on. I'll make you a deal."

"What deal?"

"Come to my party and I'll leave you alone for the rest of our school career. Oh and I'll look after you at the party so that no one hurts you."

"I'll think about it."

"What should I do to get you to come."

"Get on your knees and beg."

"No way, I'm not begging a girl I'll look lame."

"Enjoy your party, loser."

"Fine but if I do this you have to come and stay till the end of the night."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I won't be happy, I'll have to punish you."

"You won't dare."

So he got on his knees and begged me to attend his party. Strike two of my plan to ruin the player. I'm gonna make sure he loses at his own game.

"Wait what's your name and surname?"

"Claire Bennett."

"Claire Bennett will you please join me at my party."

"Fine but you have to keep to your end of the deal."

"Sure thing, I'm gonna need your number."


"So that I can have your address to pick you up."

"12 Adeline street."

"See you at five."

What they fuck was I actually doing? If my mother had to find out I was going to a party she would flip.

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