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He was restless the whole night. I just knew it, I mean I don't blame him. I would also not be able to sleep if my mother was ill and in hospital.

I honestly didn't know how to help him. What was I supposed to do? I mean nothing I say or do will make it better.

I got up, the only thing I can do is make some camomile tea, that will at least call him down. I got up and made two cups.

I to could do with so peace and quiet. I was finishing up when he hugged me from behind. I felt sorry for him I did but I couldn't have my emotions cloud my judgement.

I had to follow through with my plan. I know what your thinking his dealing with enough already but when I started executing my plan this wasn't part of it.

It's like doing a obstacle course and knowing there's gonna be challenges. You have no choice but to over come them. I mean it's fight or flight.

You just have to make sure you make the right choice. Either you follow through and get over your fears or you cower and give up.

I handed him the cup and he looked at me strangely look.

"What's this?"

"Camomile tea, it will help you sleep. It calms ones body down. I drink it when I can't sleep. It helps my brain switch off so that I can finally fall asleep."

"I'm sorry Claire but I'm not drinking that. It doesn't look very nice."

"Xavier I didn't get up at three in the morning to make a cup of tea just to be told you won't drink it. I literally didn't get up to waste my time."

"Do I have to?"

"Xavier, you can't seem to fall asleep and I know why."

"You're seeing things Claire. You're clearly being delusional."

"I'm delusional. Wow that's nice the way I remember things you were rolling around not able to sleep."

"Fine I'll drink your stupid tea if it will make you feel any better."

"Thank you."

So we finished our tea and went back upstairs. He laid down on my chest and I held him tight.

We were still talking when I heard him snoring. I looked down and saw he was sound asleep. Finally I could go to sleep.

We got up at nine and I made some breakfast. He didn't eat much I'm guessing it's because of his mother.

After having breakfast I took him to visit his mother. I had made plans with Emily today. I haven't seen her in a while and well it felt like ages ago that we actually did something together.

I picked her up and we went to the movies.

"So I was thinking after we finish up at the movies we can go and grab something to eat."

"Sure thing Claire, sounds good."

"Emma okay I didn't want to be that friend but what's wrong?"

"It's just... nevermind."

"No Emma what is it."

"Now that Xavier's not available you seem to want to do something with me."

"Em you know that's not true. You've been around longer than he's been. Your my best friend his not. You mean the world to me his just some boy."

"I'm sorry Claire. Maybe I was overacting."

"It's okay to be afraid of losing me Em. But you have to know that if I have to choice I'll always choice you. Forever and ever. Your my bestie. And that's what best friends do."

"Thanks Claire. We gonna watch that movie or not?"


So we watched the movie and went to the local diner downtown. They always served the best milkshakes and don't even get me started on the burger and fries.

Their literally to die for. I dropped Emily off at five and picked up Xavier. He wanted to rehearse some more lines. How he does it only he knows?

I wouldn't be able to rehearse a play if so much had been happening in my life. He truly is brave. So we went to his place and rehearsed some lines.

We were practically perfect. So I asked him if we could work on the duet. He agreed and we spent another three hours working.

After we had finished he told me he'd be right back. So I waited patiently for him to return.

He came in, took my hand, intertwined our fingers and lead me outside.

"Wait, Xavier where are we going?"

"To Walmart."


"I want cookies and we don't have any."

"There better be a really good explanation for why you dragged my lazy ass all the way to Walmart because I swear if it's not a good enough reason you'll be sorry."

"I took you with me because one I didn't want to leave you alone in my house and two I really really want cookies so badly."

"So that's your reasons. I can't deal with you. I was chilling and here you drag me along on your cookie hunt."

"Come on Claire I'll atleast share them."

"Are you even serious right now?"

"What? Who doesn't want cookies?"

"Just leave it Xavier. I'm not in the mood."

So we went to Walmart. And spent two hours looking for cookies before he found the ones he wanted.

Who goes to Walmart and spends two hours looking for cookies? He bought about 10 different sorts.

We left and he drove in the opposite direction of the house. Why weren't we going home?

"Where are we going?"

"I told you the other day I had something to show you."

"Okay and what's this that you wanna show me exactly?"

"You'll see. It's a surprise."

"Come on Xavier I don't like surprises."

"Well you'll like this one."

So I just kept quiet from here on not saying anything. He took me to an old park. It had been forgotten. I could tell because the grass was long, the fence was broken and the benches looked very old.

Nobody had been around here in a very long time. It's a shame I bet this was a nice park back in the day. He motioned for us to go and sit by the water.

And of course he brought one packet of cookies. So we sat on the grass and ate cookies. I was lying on his lap when we heard some people yelling.

I sat up and thought I was hearing things. But I knew I wasn't when I saw Xavier face. Just in the distance we saw several guys pinning one guy down.

And before I could even comprehend what was happening I saw the pinned down guys being killed infront of my very own eyes.

Xavier grabbed me and his cookies, of course he would rather die than leave them. We ran up to the cars and he phoned the police. They were there within minutes.

They asked us a few questions and had us leave after we were done. They told us to not worry and that they would take care of everything.

I dropped Xavier off and went home. I tried to sleep but I couldn't because no matter what I did I just couldn't get my mind to shut off.

It was two am and he was probably asleep but I really needed him right now. So I took my chances and I phoned him. He didn't hesitate to pick up the phone.

"I'm already on my way love. I to can't sleep."

That's all he said before he put down the phone. 10 minutes later he knocked on my door and I opened for him. As soon as I saw him the tears started streaming down my face.

He stepped closer, hugged me, gave me a kiss on the head and motioned to the room.

"It's all gonna be okay love."

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