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I got up with a smile, ready for this day. I just had a feeling I was gonna have a fantastic day but you know what they say about life it's unpredictable.  I parked my car and went to my locker. And who was there? Xavier, what did he not understand about I never wanna see him ever again? 

"What do you want?"

"I believe you own me a date."

"I believe I don't own you anything, we never agreed to a date. That was your idea and I never agreed."

"Come on Claire, just agree and I'll leave you alone."

"You said you'd leave me alone if I went to that party with you and yet you're still bothering me, why?"

"Claire, beautiful Claire I have my reasons."

I pulled him into a secluded hallway, he was gonna tell me why he wanted to have that date with me and why he didn't wanna leave me alone. 

"Why won't you stop following me around?"

"Well I can't tell you because it's kinda personal, you know a thing between the boys and I."

"I don't care."

"Leave it Claire and head to class won't you."

I just turned around and walked away. If I had stayed longer I would of slapped him. Who does he think he is? I hate spending time with him. Doesn't make sense does it I hate it yet I wanna break him, just to teach him a lesson. It's not nice playing the game of hearts.

I went to class which was boring by the way. School just wasn't fun anymore. I got tired of being here I honestly just wanted to go home. Why you ask? Well the girl sitting behind me mentioned my name. This made me turn my ear slightly to the right.  All I heard was that Xavier and I apparently slept together at the party. 

I got up furious. I was gonna find him and kill him I swear. I had about enough of him, this is why I didn't wanna know him. Once I found him I pulled him from his seat and dragged him outside. 

"Why'd you tell everybody we slept together?"

"I didn't I swear."

"Well someone did."

"It wasn't me I promise you."

"You see this is why I never wanted to get involved with you. Because if someone gets involved with you stories seem to follow."

"Claire, that's not true."

"Before I knew you no one talked about me but now that I know you. Eveybody knows me and they all start their own rumours about me. Before you know I'll be the talk of the town."

"Okay that's taking it to far don't you think?"

"You know what stay away from me, far away you hear me. And this time I mean it."

"Come on Claire you can't do that to me. My heart won't survive it."

"Listen to me Xavier, STAY AWAY FROM ME UNDERSTOOD."

"Claire, please let me explain."

I turned around and left. How could he just stand there and lie to my face? I felt disappointed. I stormed off, got in my car and left. I had it with this day and I had it with everyone else. I went and got some coffee. 

Just what I needed right now. Once I got home I put on some sweats and my grey hoodie. All I wanted to do was watch movies and eat ice cream. I was about half way through my movie when someone knocked on my door. Seriously, why now?

I paused my movie and got up. I was cursing all the way to the door. What did the universe have against me, why did it always punish me?

"Seriously asshole, you better have a good explanation for why you're bothering me."

"Geez that's not a nice way to greet someone."

"Agh you're still alive."

"That's not nice. I brought some beer, can I come in?"

"Whatever. Even if I say no you'll come in anyway."

"Also true."

So I stepped aside and let him in. We sat in the living room. He opened a beer and I just sat there in silence. He held the bottle to my side and asked me if I wanted a sip.

"I don't drink."

"I know but damn you only live once."

"Why does everyone say that?"

"Because it's the truth."

"I'm not taking a sip."

"Well you already screwed up in the I'll never go to a party division."

"Don't even start."

"All I'm saying is own up to the person you're becoming and accept what is. You can't change the way things are supposed to plan out."

"I'll never be a rebel."

"You're already one, you went to a party, left a class to yell at me and then left school. So I rest my case. Seems like something only a rebel will do."

"Whatever shut up and drink your beer."

"Such a goody toe shoes."

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me. You're such a goody toe shoes."

"I'm not."

"Well then prove it."

"I don't have to prove anything."

"Miss goody toe shoes."

I got tired of him calling me that and the only way to shut him up was by taking a sip. So I grabbed the bottle from his hand and took a sip. It was bitter at first but then I started getting sweeter. 

"Hey that was my beer."

"Happy now?"

"Quite, well go on have one."

I took the bottle, opened it and took a big sip.

"Wow slow down cow girl, you'll get drunk."

"Shut up and drink."

I don't know how much we had to drink but what I do know is I was laughing so much that my stomach muscles hurt. And somehow I couldn't feel my legs or feet anymore. He gave me this look, I can't discribe it because I've never seen a look like that before. 

He placed his hand on my leg as I reahed for yet another bottle. Why was I breaking all my rules just to break him? Or was it maybe because I felt like I'd been to good for to long. He moved his thumb in circles on my leg and that made my body react in ways I'd never imagine.

I got up and straddled him. He just gave me a puzzled look but soon pushed it aside. His hands were on my waist. I cupped his face. Was I that drunk that I decided to kiss him or almost kiss him atleast. He looked into my eyes and once again those jade green eyes captivated me.

He moved his hands up until they were underneath my shirt. In a normal situation I would have moved his hands but now it didn't seem all that bad. He leaned in and I couldn't resist. So I did what I meant to do I kissed him. I only did it because it is part of my plan to break him.

He left at around six and I sat on my bed wondering what the hell I just did. Why did I kiss him? What's wrong with me? Damn sometimes I hate being a teen it gets so frustrating it's not even funny. I fell asleep with the thought of how good a kisser Xavier actually is, damn me.

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