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The past few days have been a real challenge but we stuck it out and motivated one another when we needed to.

So today was indeed the day we had to audition for the play. The past two weeks went by so fast. And here I was backstage, nervous as hell.

You know I tried to calm my nerves but lord knows I couldn't. Xavier picked up on this I could tell.

"Hey, Claire you're gonna be great. Just wait, you'll see."

He gave my hand a quick squeeze and let go as we stepped on stage. My heart was racing why I didn't exactly know.

I mean we were prepared. We've been rehearsing every day for the past two for weeks atleast seven hours since a day.

So why did I have the feeling I wasn't ready? Once I saw how many people where actually watching I felt like fainting.

The auditions where after school so basically anyone could come and watch. Once my eyes caught Veronica's I froze.

She gave me a death stare. Oh Lord I'm gonna faint. She must hate me even more now because I punched her and basically stole her guy I guess.

I could see the bruise on her face where my fist met her skin. It looked terrible. The teacher motioned for us to being and so we did.

"What if I never learn to dance, what if I never feel the beat or the rhythm of the music?"

"Belle I think your overthinking again. Just listen to the music and move with the rhythm."

"I'm afraid I can't."

"You can."

"I can't."

"Stop doubting yourself. Belle look at me listen and let the music take your body."

"I'm sorry Quinn but your gonna have to find another partner."

Belle turns around to leave. Quinn stops her by playing music and he starts dancing. She look at him strangely. He grabs hold of her and she starts swaying her body to the rhythm of his.

"See my sweet Belle you can."

"Appears so."

They continue dancing and end off with him dipping her. They stare into one anothers eyes.

"Quinn thank you for your help. I got to go if you don't mind."

"Belle wait, I love you."

"What did you just say? You can't possible love me you barely know me."

"I know you better than you think Belle."

Belle storms off and Quinn sits down with his hands in his head. The lights dim and the curtains close.

We both stepped on the stage and bowed. That felt amazing. After bowing we left the stage.

As soon as we got backstage he grabbed my wrist and when I turned around he pulled me closer and kissed me. I was shocked at first but recovered quickly.

"Told you you're a natural. You Claire Bennett are one amazing person."

"Please did you see yourself you were beyond great."

"I'm proud of us, we really worked hard to get this far. I do hope they give the parts to us. I couldn't imagine doing the play with anyone other than you."

"I'm sure there are plenty girls out there that are better than I am. Anyway gotta run my mother's probable outside to pick me up. We're going shopping."

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