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We had the funeral and it was so damn sad to see everyone saying goodbye to the most amazing person ever.

The had a get together afterwards. Everyone exchanged sorries with the family and left. I helped clean up.

Xavier's father and his sister were going away for a few days. Xavier was supposed to go with but he reassured his father that he would be just fine staying at home.

Plus he didn't wanna miss school and so forth. It was the day of Halloween and Xavier had a party organised.

Why he decided to have a party on the day of his mother's funeral only he would know. After helping him clean I left to go and collect a costume for the party.

The costume I picked out was sure to attract the attention of Xavier and that was just the plan. I know he lost his mother and things are messed up but I have to stick to my plan.

I have to remember why I'm seeing him. This week has been hectic with all the funeral arrangements and the measurements for our costumes for the play.

I was relieved to have one night of rest. After picking up my costume I collected Emma. She was gonna get ready with me for the party.

For once Xavier showed he had a heart because he allowed me to invite Em along to the party. She's never been to a teenage party before so I'm looking forward to it.

We spent most of the day just chilling at my place and at half past three we started getting ready, Xavier was collecting us at five.

I must say I loved my costume and when Xavier sees me he's gonna go nuts. Em got ready pretty quickly and waited for me downstairs.

I could swear I heard the front door opening but didn't make much of it. I got a fright when I heard Xavier's voice.

"(Xavier) A nurse, I like."

"Xavier when did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago."

He walked over to me and picked me up. My legs wrapped around his waist.

"Why'd you have to go and dress like that? Now I'm not gonna keep my hands off you."

"Do I here someone complaining? I could always change."

"No no I like it. Gives me more reason to show the guys that you're mine."


"Yeah I mean I know I don't know you that long and that I haven't exactly asked you to be my girl but that doesn't mean I don't want you to be mine."

"Xavier, calm down I'm not freaked out by it or anything it's just I'm not used to someone calling me their girl."

"But that's okay with you right?"

"I really don't mind."

"You guys ready yet?"

"Yeah we can go."

So we left for the party and as soon as we approached the house you could see teenagers with red cups everywhere. There were a few couples making out on the porch and the music was booming through the neighborhood.

We parked the car and head straight for the kitchen where the booze was. At first Em didn't wanna drink anything but later loosened up and did what she wanted to.

She seemed to have loads of fun. I was dancing and Xavier joined in. We even played a few games of beer pong and took a few shots.

I eventually went to find Em so that we could go to the bathroom. It took a while but I soon found her. We made our way up to Xavier's room since that was the only bathroom that was safe enough to use without anyone coming in.

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