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Brighid walked up to the house she had not missed once the whole summer with her bags in hand.

"Home sweet home" Nathan muttered pushing past her and into the house. Deb gave Brighid a smile as she walked in.

"Senior year you too! This should be a good year, especially with no Dan!" Deb said as they stood in the entrance of the house. "I'll start dinner"

Brighid climbed the stairs to her room. Everything was exactly the same, untouched since she left it three months ago.

She placed her bags on the floor and sat on her bed. Her cell phone rang for the 100th time with Jake being the caller ID. She looked at it briefly before ending the call, letting it go to voicemail... again.
Beginning of Summer at High Flyers

Brighid was practicing with the team when a break was called. She rushed to the locker room to call Jake. The two had pledged to talk everyday.

"Breaks over girls!" The coach announced ten minutes later.

"Jake I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow" Brighid whispered clicking the phone closed after.

"Girl you need to focus on basketball. People are dying to have this position at camp and here you spend every second talking to your boyfriend" one of the girls teased causing the others agree.

"Word of advice, the WNBA wants committed players not committed girlfriends" another whispered to her as they exited the locker room. Brighid was pissed at their comments. She had felt like she was proving herself on the court and what she did off of it was none of their business.

She ran back out getting ready for the scrimmage they were about to play.

"Okay pick off teammates. One player will be excluded from the scouts watching today since we are uneven" the coach announced to the captains of the camp. Brighid stood in the line waiting for her name to be called. Quickly everyone began to run to their teams and Brighid became nervous she wasn't going to be picked.

It came down to her and one other girl.

"Sam" the captain called. Brighid looked bewildered.

"Scott you're sitting this one out" the coach announced. Brighid walked over to the bleacher having to watch the whole game and not play once. She noticed scouts from both the WNBA and the top colleges nationwide. Brighid furious decided to dedicate herself to basketball from here on out. Nothing would get in her way of achieving her dreams.

Slowly the daily class turned into weekly ones and by the middle of the summer Brighid stopped answering them all together. Throwing herself into the sport 24/7.

The last scrimmage of the summer and Brighid was now first pick. She played the best game of her life and was approached by many scouts giving her cards and their info. Telling her they'd be in touch.

Brighid realized she throughly enjoyed the spotlight, and craved the attention. Not wanting to give it up she vowed to continue the dedication, put in the time when she got home. No distractions, none!
Brighid laid on her bed having just finished unpacking when a text about a party tonight caught her eye. Beach Bonfire 9pm the text read. She smiled getting up from her bed and shuffling the clothes around her closet.

Later that night she pulled up to the beach house to find her dad home. Everyone from school was at the beach.

She walked into the house quickly greeting her dad.

"If it isn't my superstar! Scouts have been calling me all week" Dan said with a smile as he sipped his whiskey.

"How are you?" Brighid asked referring to the fire accident at the beginning of summer.

"Healed. Let's focus on you though. Senior year, let's make it count!" Dan said with a grin. Brighid smiled back before heading out to the party. Her careless freshman year self was back.

She grabbed a drink and began to mingle. Slowly sipping the night away.

A few drinks in and she was carelessly dancing with lifeguards and boys from school.

"Hey" Lucas awkwardly said. Brighid stiffened up in his presence.

"Hey" she responded back giving him a big hug.

"I heard you stopped calling and answering Jake's calls" Lucas said. Brighid's smile instantly flipped to a frown.

"It's senior year. No distractions. High flyers taught me to keep my eyes on the prize. Weekly calls, I can't be an attached player" Brighid slurred. Lucas gave her a funny look.

"Brigh-" Lucas began but was interrupted.

"Got to go" Brighid excused herself as the lifeguard grabbed her hand and dragged her to the ocean.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now