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"This is ridiculous Brooke" Brighid exclaimed as she starred at herself in the full length mirror in Brooke and Peyton's room.

The two were giggling behind Brighid as she constantly tugged on the uniform.

"I don't cheer"

"I have a feeling you'll be fine. Come on we have to learn the routine"

"Brooke you're forgetting Maddie went home too" Peyton said. Brooke who had just been a cheery mood switched to being a bitch.

"Ugh, I forgot"

"I have someone in mind" Peyton said.
"No way!" Haley said applauded.

"Come on Haley"

"No" Haley said again not giving in.

"Do you remember when I made you those flyers for open mic night?"

"That's weak. You're a born artist. I'm a born klutz. I- I almost drowned in the balls at Chuck E. Cheese's" Haley argued.

Brooke and Brighid stood to the side exchanging looks with each other.

"Haley this would mean a lot. And I know it sounds shallow but cheerleading it's all I got" Brooke said stepping forward. Haley looked between the three girls before giving in.

"Fine" Haley said. Brooke jumped for joy while Peyton and Brighid smiled.

"Okay let's go learn the routine" Brooke said pulling the girls down the hall and into the lobby.

As the girls began to practice Brighid found it quite easy to pick up the routine.

"Nice Brig, tutor girl it's left right left. Not right left right. Get it together" Brooke shouted.

"I'm trying" Haley countered.

"Try harder 'cause we're on in 12 hours" Brooke shouted again. Haley sighed pushing the hair out of her face before trying to learn the routine again.

The cheerleaders practiced a couple more times before Brooke decided they were done.

"Okay, go grab your bathing suits. I have a surprise" Brooke exclaimed. The girls squealed before running up to their rooms to get changed.

"I didn't bring a bathing suit Brooke" Brighid said not getting the cheerleading packing memo.

"No worries I always carry extra" Brooke smiled wrapping her arm around Brighid's and pulling her towards the elevator.
"So Brooke how did you manage this?" Bevin asked as they all relaxed in the hot tub.

"I sweet talked the night manager" Brooke said with a smile.

"Ta daaa" Peyton announced showing off Haley in the uniform.

"Tutor girl. You look bitchin" Brooke exclaimed. Everyone on the squad agreed with her.

Nathan walked in to find Brighid and Haley with the cheerleaders.

"Your sister and I are filling in" Haley explained.

Brighid looked at Nathan who smiled at both of them. It was nice to see Nathan happy.

"Pool Party" the basketball team yelled. All of the guys jumping in, creating one big party. Brighid slipped out of the pool water dripping from her hair.

"Wow" A voice commented behind her. She turned around to find Jake with his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking. I was just. You know what ignore me" Jake said about to walk away.

"It's okay. I know I look ridiculous in this bathing suit. It's Brooke's" Brighid said as she wrapped the towel around her.

"No it's wasn't that" Jake said clearing his throat.

"Oh" Brighid chuckled.

"Whitney 10 o'clock" Brighid muttered. She could see him angrily walking down the hall in his pjs approaching the pool. The two looked around slipping into the bathroom.

"Shhhh" Jake said placing a finger to his lips. They both put their backs against the wall waiting for everyone to clear out.

"I think we are good" Jake said sneaking a peek. The two walked out of the bathroom and out of the pool slowly upstairs to their rooms.

"So cheerleading?" Jake asked.

"Temporary, although it isn't that bad. Dare I say better than basketball" Brighid joked. The two chuckled.

"Your dad coming to the game?" Jake asked. Brighid found the question weird but didn't want to press the issue.

"No, his lawyer said it was best not to come. Show that he doesn't control us through basketball" Brighid explained.

"I see" Jake said. The two stopped at their doors which were across from each other.

Brighid turned around to walk into her room when his hand spun her around. He quickly placed a kiss on her lips before wishing her a Goodnight and entering his room. Brighid quickly turned on her heel opening and the shutting the door.

"Where did you go?" Haley asked.

"No where" Brighid said confused as to where that kiss came from.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now