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"Bang up job, Nathan. Every time I blink, you sink to a new low. As for you Brighid. This is why you need to live with me" Dan said. Nathan and Brighid scoffed at his comments.

"Part of me thinks I should have left you both in there"

"Maybe you should have" Nathan said walking ahead of the two. Brighid clung near her dad not wanting to make matters worse.

"You know what. This little experiment is over. You're coming home. Both of you" Dan said. Nathan turned around to face Dan and Brighid.

"Forget it"


"No way" Nathan yelled.

"Let him go" Lucas said with Haley behind him.

"And the disappointments keep on coming. You stay out of this" Dan barked.

"Haley, go get an officer" Lucas asked keeping his eyes on Dan the whole time.

"Let me get this straight. Your mom runs off and has a fling. I get the cops to drop the charges and now I'm the bad guy here?" Dan asked all mad.

"Yeah you are. Don't you see it. Everything you do is out of spite. Trying to win us over" Brighid bursted out. She couldn't keep her mouth quiet anymore.

"Heh, you might want to think before you try making a case about what a great father you are"

"And what do you know about me being a father?"

"Exactly" Lucas scoffed.

"Why don't you go asked your mother what really happened between us? And you go ahead ruin your life. I won't let my daughter ruin hers. Come on Brighid. We are leaving" Dan demanded.

"Nathan" Brigid muttered hoping he'd stand up for her but he remained silent.

"Brighid let's go!"

"I'll see you guys later" Brighid softly said as she followed her dad to the car.

The car ride was silent until Dan spoke up.

"You want to live with you mother fine. But just know this divorce is going to be messy and hard. It won't be easy"

"If I live with you?" Brighid asked fearful of the answer.

"I'll give it to her. You and I can focus on the future. Basketball!" Dan said with a smile.

"I move in with you there's one big condition. You can't control anything but basketball. Not even my parenting decisions with my daughter" Brighid countered.

"We've got a deal" Dan said. He pulled up to the Deb's dropping Brighid off.

"See you in a couple of days" Dan said with a smile. Deb opened the door for Brighid.

"Have fun?" Deb asked.

"I'm living with dad. There's no need for a custody battle" Brighid explained.

"What? Did he say something? What happened?" Deb asked all concerned.

"He's never going to stop. I just need to do this. So please don't fight it" Brighid said. Deb sighed.

Brighid walked past her running up to her room.
Monday came and Brighid walked into the girls practice.

"You're practicing with the boys today" the coach announced to Brighid pointing to the bigger gym across the hall. Brighid found it weird but headed over there anyways.

When she walked in she was met with her worst nightmare.

"Let's go. Your late to practice" Dan yelled at her as she slowly walked in.

"What is this?" Brighid asked.

"I'm filling in for Whitey. Figured you'd get a practice in with the boys than your current team. Let's go push ups" Dan yelled blowing his whistle.

Dan drilled the team with different drills every time. The end didn't seem to be near.

"Make 10 in a row. Miss one and you grab a weight starting over. Brighid you're first" Dan announced. Brighid lined up grabbing the ball and shooting. The ball sailed smoothly into the basket.

"Bend your knees!"

"I am"

"Not enough!" Dan shouted.

Brighid shot again this time missing.

"Grab weights"

"I'm done" Brighid yelled throwing the ball.

"Hey, that wasn't the deal" Dan yelled back. The whole gym was looking at her. She walked back grabbing the weights and jogging around the gym.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now