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Friday night had rolled around and Brighid was nervous. She couldn't tell if it was because everyone in the school, teachers and students were excited to see her cheer at the game tonight? Or was it a certain person she hadn't seen in weeks? Either way Brighid knew she was nervous.

Prior to the start of the game, Whitey, the boys varsity coach had questioned her on why she wasn't returning this year.

"Is it Danny? The pressure he puts on you?" Whitey asked as she slung her bag onto her shoulder.

"No, sir, just a change of heart" Brighid explained hoping it was the end of the discussion.

"The girls coach is willing to take you back whenever you want" Whitey pleaded. Brighid just smiled before rushing over to Brooke and the team.

She tugged on her top as she stood on the sidelines.

"Come on lighten up" Brooke whispered to her as she turned around. Brighid smiled and shook her head trying to let go of the nerves and fear she was harboring.

"Let's welcome the Tree Hill Ravens" the announcer yelled into the mic. Brighid following in suit with the other cheerleaders raised her pom-poms into the air and shook them.

Nathan already scoring in the first few minutes was the star player but Brighid couldn't help but watch Jake. He was extremely underrated and could be just as good as Nathan if he was given the chance. It was also apparent he didn't love the sport that much either, more of a hobby.

"Time out" Whitey yelled. Brighid watched as the team huddled up on the sidelines.

"How are you liking it so far?" Brooke asked all giddy.

"It's fun" Brighid said all apprehensive. It was far from basketball, but a nice break from the constant pressure her father put on her. Brighid, however, knew Dan Scott would find some way to control her with cheerleading... eventually. So for now, she enjoyed it.

The game buzzer went off and Brighid noticed Nathan on the bench. She tried to warn him about his stubborn and cocky attitude but he refused to listen.

"Let's go Ravens" Brooke yelled as the team began to hit a slump. The visitors who were once trailing behind were now tied.

Nathan ran onto the court just as the last few minutes remained.

"Don't bother showering tonight" Peyton muttered as Nathan stood in front of the cheerleaders. Brighid rolled her eyes and mental gagged.

The last minute dwindled down to the last seconds and Nathan shot the ball, scoring the winning point. The team ran to Nathan at once hailing him the V.I.P.

Brighid watched as her father's expression went from stern to joyful. She knew she could never compete with Nathan, not with her father at least.

"You coming with us?" Brooke asked as she walked over to the basketball team.

"I'm heading home" Peyton said grabbing her bag.

"I have to go as well. See you Monday?" Brighid asked. Brooke smiled before joining the boys in celebrating.

As Brighid made her way over to the bleachers she could hear the basketball team's conversation.

"Dude come join us. Celebrate the win" Tim said patting Jake on the back.

"Yeah, come on" another teammate said.

"I can't. I have to get home. Good game guys" Jake shyly responded before pushing through the crowd.

Brighid was about to chase after him when a hand squeezed her shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her father questioned.

"Home, with you" she muttered. Dan walked out saying his goodbyes to some of the parents. Brighid lagged behind him.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin