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Brighid apprehensively walked into the school  building. Her schedule was printed on a piece of paper with her locker number. She slowly walked through the halls, hearing the whispers and feeling all eyes on her.

"So how you holding up?" A voice asked behind her. Brighid turned around to find Peyton asking her a question.

"Oh good. I guess. Nathan obviously told you" Brighid commented. Peyton and her were far from friends, from what she could remember.

"Told me what? I haven't really spoke to Nathan in a few weeks" Peyton explained.

"Really? Another one of your fights? You know Nathan can be an ass sometimes I don't know how you deal with it" Brighid commented making Peyton's eyebrows furrow.

"Brig?" Nathan called out walking towards the two girls.

"Nate you need to stop being mean to Peyton. She's going to leave you ones of these days" Brighid said to Nate making him laugh.

"Peyton and I broke up like a few months ago" Nate said with a smile. Peyton let out a chuckle as well. Brighid could see how this was funny.

"Nathan what happened?" Peyton whispered.

"She's forgotten this whole year, everything!" Nathan whispered back.

"The girl at the hospital? Is she your new girlfriend?" Brighid asked all curious.

"Yeah, Haley. She's really nice" Nathan said as the bell rang. The three walked into class and Brighid stood in the doorway. She wasn't sure where to sit down but walked to an empty chair.

"Pssst that's Lucas' seat" a girl whispered. Brighid got up and moved a few seats forward.
After school Nathan dropped Brighid off at the cafe where apparently their mother was working.

Brighid walked in looking around at the small cafe she never knew existed.

"Hey, how was school?" Deb asked as she poured a cup of coffee.

"Fine" Brighid flatly stated.

"How are you holding up?" Deb asked looking sympathetically at her daughter.

"I'm fine mom. A little weirded out by your niceness to Karen. Slightly confused why your working the cafe. It's just whatever" Brighid huffed frustrated with all the questions and lack of answers.

"Are you coming over tonight? I'm making dinner" Deb asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah I can come for dinner. I don't know why you won't let dad back already. Spares me from staying at the beach house every other night" Brighid scoffed.

"Excuse me?" Deb asked confused.

"Dad, he said he's coming home soon. Just let him back already" Brighid commented letting her head rest on her palm.

"Brighid, whatever lies he's feeding you. They aren't true. Your father and I are getting a divorce. I'm hoping he'll hand over custody but if I have to I will fight in court for you and Nathan" Deb calmly explained. Brighid lifted her head up off her hand and looked at her mother.

"A divorce?"

"Brighid, you might not remember what took place but believe me. This is for the best"

"How is this for the best. Tearing the family apart? That's what your best at I guess"

"What does that mean?"

"Always working, never home and now helping Karen. You and dad never once mentioned Lucas or Karen growing up. Why help her now?"

"Cause she needed me"

"Whatever" Brighid muttered hopping off the seat at the counter.

"Brighid wait. Please come for dinner and I'll explain everything. Your father, he's a lying monster"

"You've always been a bitch to dad. He's been nothing but there for us" Brighid commented before running out of the cafe and down the street to a bench.

She sat there with her knees tucked to her chest contemplating everything she could remember thus far.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now