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The next morning Brighid walked in to find her dad looking out the window.

"Nice day" Brighid commented.

"It's always a nice day" Dan softly stated. He got up from the chair he had been sitting in, moving to the hospital bed.

"So your mother treating you okay?" Dan asked changing the subject.

"Yeah. I have the big playoff game tomorrow night. I'll come visit after. I have to go. See you later" Brighid said.

Dan smiled at Brighid not saying a word. She walked out meeting Lucas in the front. The two had plans to throw Nathan and Haley a "wedding" party.

"How's Dan?" Lucas asked as Brighid hopped into the passenger seat.

"Surprisingly fine. Happy and calm" Brighid explained.

"Well I guess that's good"

The ride was quiet until they pulled up. Brighid had a burning desire to ask the one question no one wanted to ask.

"So why did you come back? I mean Tree Hill is nice and all but an escape would be nice too" Brighid joked trying to lighten the mood.

"You, and Nathan really. It's nice having siblings" Lucas said looking at Brighid. The two smiled at each other for a second until the mood was ruined by Lucas' friend.

"That's not Luke" One of his friends commented, making his appearance at Luke's window.

"Haha, skills this Brighid and Brighid this is skills, mouth and junk" Lucas introduced. Brighid smiled at all three of them as she opened the trunk.

The five of them grabbed boxes bringing them inside.

"Woah if it isn't B. Scott" Brooke loudly announced as she flashed a photo of Peyton's boobs.

"Hey" Peyton shouted.

"Nine" Brooke muttered. Brighid stood there confused.

"So I figured cameras on each table so people can take photos for the wedding wall" Brooke explained.

"That's a great idea" Lucas commented.

"Wow this is just wow" Brighid said looking around amazed.

"So does the sister of the groom approve?" Peyton asked.


"Well it's time to get ready. Your outfits are at my place" Brooke said linking arms with Peyton and Brighid, whisking them away to her car.

The car ride was filled with laughs and jokes until Peyton asked the question.

"So how's your dad?"

The car got silent.

"Peyton" Brooke mumbled hitting her on the chest.

"No it's okay. He's good. I've just been feeling guilty about it all" Brighid expressed.

"Guilty B. Scott? Guilty about what? Your dad was the meanest bully. There is nothing to feel guilty about" Brooke said all outraged. Peyton agreed with Brooke.

"I guess" Brighid muttered. They pulled up to Brooke's meeting Haley at the door.

"Come on tutor girl. We have to get ready" Brooke said.

"Hey guys" Haley shyly greeted.

"So boy or girl?" Brooke asked as they climbed the stairs.

"Brooke I'm not pregnant" Haley sighed.

"I don't think my parents can handle another Scott kid being a teen parent" Brighid commented.

"Yeah well you mom isn't the happiest with me right now" Haley said.

"My mom will come around" Brighid said to Haley placing a hand on her arm. Haley smiled.

"Awww the sister and sister in law" Brooke commented flashing the Polaroid camera.

"You know Nathan and I really wished you were there. It was so last minute" Haley said randomly.

"It's okay" Brighid stated in a reassuring manner.

The girls walked into Brooke's bedroom to start getting ready.

"So have you talked to Jake?" Brooke asked with a raised eyebrow as Brighid came out of the bathroom, dressed with her hair and makeup done.

"He knows what's going on. I haven't really had the chance to see him since the whole accident and stuff" Brighid explained.

Peyton quickly changed the topic.

A few minutes later Nathan picked up Haley to stall a little while the rest of the girls headed back to the party.

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