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"Good morning" Brighid greeted Jake as she feed Jenny a bottle.

"I didn't even hear her" Jake mumbled.

"I was up before she even cried" Brighid explained. Jake smiled. Brighid sat on the corner of the bed, baby in arm looking at Jake.

"Thanks for letting me stay the past couple of nights. I'm eventually going to have to face my mother though. I'm thinking of just biting the bullet today" Brighid said looking between Jenny and Jake.

"Yeah. Shoot I'm going to be late for work" Jake muttered in a panic looking at the clock. He dashed out of the bed quickly throwing on clothes and brushing his teeth.

As the three walked out of the house, Brooke and Peyton were in Brooke's car waiting.

"I stopped by your house. Your mom told me you were shacking it up here" Brooke shouted as she flashed a photo of the three walking out of the house.

"I'll see you later" Brighid muttered kissing Jake and Jenny goodbye before hopping into Brooke's car.

"Come on we have a wedding photo wall to hang" Brooke cheerfully announced as she sped down the road.

"So you're staying with Jake now?" Peyton asked with a smirk.

"No. Well not permanently, yet. Just until my mom gets her act together"

"Well I think it's cute. You three playing house" Brooke commented.

"Brooke, it's not playing house. I'm trying to prove to Jake I deserve some sort of custody"

"Woah, trying to be a big girl I see. I like this new B. Scott" Brooke commented again. Brighid rolled her eyes.

They pulled up to Nathan and Haley's apartment and brought up the wedding photo wall from the party.

"Hello?" Brighid announced as they walked in.

"Hey guys" Tim greeted. The three exchanged a look.

"Tim? Where's Nathan and Haley?" Brooke asked looking around.

Haley quickly came out from the bedroom with a basket of laundry.

"Oh hey guys. I was thinking on that wall" Haley said dropping the basket down and pointing to the empty wall. Brooke and Peyton lifted it up as the two argued over which side to move it.

"It needs to come down on the left"

"No right, my right" Brooke fought.

"Brooke that is my left"

"Then why are we arguing"

The two moved the picture wall and left it hanging.

"Nathan you want Mexican? Thai? Chinese?" Tim asked Nathan who was in the bathroom.

"Tim you just ate how are you hungry?" Haley asked astonished.

"I'm not ordering food. I'm ordering strippers" Tim nonchalantly stated. Everyone gave him a look.

"Come on you guys got married so fast, I got screwed out of being the best man" Tim said which caused Brighid to laugh.

"Sorry" she said quickly stiffening up.

"Let the boys have their fun Haley. What's good for the goose is even better for you. They can have their little testosterone fest, you can have a bridal party and rake in all the loot from the guest. This is such a fair trade" Brooke gushed all happy and excited for a party.

"I don't need loot" Haley said. Peyton held up Haley's sleeping top which made Brooke freak out.

"Yeah a definite bridal shower code red. See you tonight" Brooke said leaving the apartment with Peyton. Brighid and Haley looked at each other shaking there heads.

"So have you talked to your mom?" Haley asked as she cleaned up the kitchen.

"No, I've been staying at Jake's which has been nice but definitely not enough space for all three of us plus his parents. I'm going to have to eventually go back. I was thinking talking to her today" Brighid explained.

"She'll come around. Maybe not with Nathan and I but with you definitely. She's just feeling something right now" Haley said giving Brighid a warm smile.

"Can I have a ride to the house?" Brighid asked Nathan as he and Tim walked out of the bedroom.

"Let's go. Tim see you later" Nathan said kicking Tim out of the apartment.

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