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Brighid drove down the rural road to the address she had been given.

"So Grandpa is staying here?" Jenny asked as they pulled up. Brighid looked around unsure of whether they were in the right place. She quickly took out her phone to make sure Jake hadn't called her back yet.

"I think so. Jenny stay in the car while mommy goes and checks okay. Keep the door locked" Brighid said as she turned the car off and walked up to the house. The front door was unlocked making Brighid apprehensive about this whole thing.

"Dad?" Brighid called out opening another door. She walked into what she thought was a staged room, to replicate the hospital. "Dad, what is going on?" Brighid asked all concerned. She quickly rushed to his bed side trying to undo the restraints.

"Brighid, help!" Dan muttered. "Watch out" Dan mouthed, unable to utter the words as Carrie came out from behind a curtain, knocking Brighid out cold.

She rushed out of the house in search of Jenny.

"Brig, get up. Come on, get up" Dan gasped, struggling to get out of the bed. He repeated his words until his daughter came to, stirring on the floor.

"Jenny" she shrieked. She ran out of the house to find her car window had been smashed and passenger side door was open. She ran to the cornfield where she could hear the shouting from Carrie. Brighid dove in, slowly scrounging down trying to find Jenny.

"Jenny! I have something for you" Carrie called out, holding a needle in her hand. Jenny ran away from Carrie. Brighid could hear her small feet coming closer, she reached out and held her close to her.

"Shhh, don't say a word. Okay? Mommy is going to get us out of here" Brighid whispered. Her phone began to ring and Brighid knew it was Jake calling her back. "Run!" Brighid yelled. The two ran as fast as they could out of the cornfield and towards the house.

Brighid and Jenny ran past her car, spotting Deb behind it. Carrie who chased after them was knocked to the ground by a wine bottle to the face.

"Guess there's more than one crazy nanny in this town" Deb said as she watched Carrie lay on the ground, blood covering her face from the glass she had smashed against her face. "You bitch" she muttered before turning to Brighid and Jenny. "Are you okay?"

Brighid hugged Jenny, her hands never wanting to let go. Her chest was moving so rapid, displaying her heavy breathing. "Fine. Oh my god. What just happened?" Brighid asked pacing around. She gripped her mother's hands.

"This was a 1995 Dom Pierro Rose. I was saving it for the day I was rid of Dan Scott for good" Deb explained grabbing her daughter in a hug. "A girl can dream right"

"How did you know we were here?" Brighid asked her mother's shock still coursing through her veins.

"I used the key to sneak into your house for a wine glass. I saw the address written down and I knew something was up" Deb explained. Unbeknownst to the two of them Carrie had gotten up with an ax in her hand. She began to charge at the two, screaming when a shot rang out. Carrie fell back onto the ground.

Brighid turned to find Dan Scott with a gun in his hand, standing on the porch. "God I hate the woods" he said. Brighid looked down horrified to see Carrie dead.

"Let's go" Deb sweetly said to Jenny, ushering her into the car she had driven there. Brighid ran up to her dad, giving him a hug before getting to the passenger seat of Deb's car.

The three drove back to Brighid's house where Jake was waiting. She had called him back on the ride home. He looked nervous and relieved at the same time.

"Dad" Jenny exclaimed as she jumped out of the car. He grabbed her in a hug, lifting her off the ground before wrapping his other around Brighid.

"Thank you, Deb. Really. I can't even express how thankful I am to you for saving my family" Jake sincerely expressed. Deb smiled before kissing Jenny goodbye. The three of them walked into the house. Once Jenny was cleaned up she was put to bed.

The two went to bed themselves, despite being tired Brigid was wired, unable to sleep.

"How did today go?" Brighid asked trying to ease her thoughts and keep her mind occupied on something other than what happened today.

"We can talk tomorrow. Get some sleep" Jake whispered. Brighid laid back down, staring up at the ceiling.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now