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A week had passed since she had spoken to her mom. Brighid still mad had decided to throw herself into basketball, practicing of course with her one arm.

"Doc called. You can get the cast off after school" Dan said as the two walked out of the beach house.

"That's good" Brighid commented.

"Back to basketball. The coach is excited for you to play again. The varsity team is relying on you" Dan continued.

Brighid just smiled. She was slightly nervous about returning. For some odd reason she felt rusty and out of touch with it. Though she just assumed it was because of the accident and the amnesia she was feeling lost and out of whack.

The ride to school was the usual until Dan turned down the opposite road. Brighid turned her head around unsure of why he was going the opposite way.

"Where are you going. I'm pretty sure school is that way?" Brighid asked.

"I need to stop at home, it will only be a few minutes" Dan said reassuring Brighid she wouldn't be late. She nodded her head as he pulled into the driveway.

"Want to grab anything while we are here?" Dan asked as he opened the driver door. Brighid wanted some of her clothes and decided to follow her dad inside.

As the two walked up Dan pulled out his keys and tried to open the door but the keys wouldn't work. He jingled his keys around trying the various ones on his keychain.

"What the hell" Dan muttered trying yet another key.

"What's wrong?" Brighid asked with her arms crossed against her chest.

Dan aggressively knocked on the side door huffing at this act Deb was playing.

"Your mother seemed to have changed the locks on me" Dan muttered to Brighid.

"What do you want?" Deb asked as she approached the door.

"What did you do? Change the locks?" Dan asked furious.

Brighid stood behind her father still with her arms crossed against her chest. She was beginning to feel awkward and unwelcome. Last she had saw her mother they two got into an argument and resulted with Brighid shouting something and storming out of the cafe.

"My attorney's advice" Deb stated. "Brighid can come in if she needs"

"Just open the door. We need to talk" Dan said.

"Brig, come on in" Deb said with a wave reassuring nothing would happen to her. Brighid went to step forward just wanting a few items from her room.

"Don't" Dan said sticking his hand out. "Don't forget shes the one who put you in the harms way. Wouldn't have lost your memories if she didn't send you and that awful muffin basket to the airport" Dan snickered.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked as he walked up.

"Is it true?" Brighid asked her mother.

"Brighid" Deb pleaded with a sad look on her face.

"She sent you off with my drunk brother" Dan continued.

"Just come inside, both of you" Deb shouted through the glass door.

"Come on I'll buy you two breakfast" Dan responded. As Dan turned his back Deb lunged out of the door grasping onto both children.

"Come on" Deb said afraid Dan was going to try and enter the house.

"Let them go, they are coming with me" Dan fought back. Nathan and Brighid found themselves in a cat fight between their parents.

"Stop!" Nathan yelled. "Brighid and I have rights. You guys don't get to choose who we live with, we get to decide that" Nathan explained before sprinting off down the driveway.

"Brig, come on. I'll explain everything" Nathan calmly stated. Brighid ran to Dan's truck grabbing her backpack before hopping into Nathan's car.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now