Chapter 41

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Sara moaned as she woke up. She was curled up against the King whilst he worked.

"Afternoon little Bunny, sleep well?"

"I would have slept better if you had not bit me," she sighed sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Her tiredness managing to mask her sarcasm and spite at the man.

"I had no choice at the time. I will admit though that if I had not been so cruel to you, forcing my ways onto you, it might not have to have happened so soon or under such horrid circumstances," he admitted.

"Are you okay? You sound odd. You have never apologized to me before," she said, confused. "I expect more apologies in future and a ton of making up on your part then seeing as I now have room to negotiate."

"I just realised I was wrong. Now how do you feel about going through some documents with me? You wanted to be included in my work, right?"

"Yes! Thank you!" She exclaimed, surprised. His offer caught her off guard but she was happy.

She liked this. She liked the lenient kinder version of him. It made her feel equal and nice. She didn't feel like fighting him at all when they were as such and she liked it when they were not arguing. A little banter never hurt but when someone her heart desired was at war with her it physically hurt.

Her head rested against him. She still felt a little tired.

Adam watched her yawn. He saw canines, small ones poking out. He could not help but tap one before shuddering discretely at the inevitable anger that would follow.

"Fingers out my mouth or I will bite you," she threated.

"They are just so cute. I can't really help it," he laughed.

"You find my teeth cute? That is kind of strange," she said shaking her head.

"You don't even know what your teeth look like," he laughed before shutting up realising that if she realised then he was dead.

"Of course I know what my teeth look like. That's what mirrors are for besides I've also lost teeth before as a child," Sara sighed.

Was he going mad? Did he not think she knew what her teeth looked like.

His hand gently held her own. He raised it up to her lips.

"Hey! What are you doing—"

Sara's finger touched her tooth, it felt sharper. Blood swelled on the tip of her finger. Her eyes went wide as they followed the flow down her finger. Her hands shoved her mate away and she ran. She climbed onto the couch with a mirror above it.

A scream was trapped in her throat. Her eyes stared at the reflection. She had canines. Canines like a wolf. She looked down at her finger. The small cut was healed. All that remained was some dried blood.

She swung around, glaring at him. "What did you do to me!"

"I was not aware that marking would cause this-" He tried to defend herself.

"Are you serious! How could you not know!"

"You are the first recorded instance of a human mate," he tried to explain.

"And you never considered this happening! What is going to happen next, am I going to start barking!"

"You know I had no choice but to mark you. Do you think I wanted you to possibly die?"

"I am sorry," she sighed. "But really! You couldnt stop to warn me! Or think ahead! You've turned me into part dog! I was extremely happy being HUMAN!"

Blaming him was not going to help at all. She was an odd case, no one even knew why she was a mate. 

Maybe it would be more useful to just accept the new developments. It did not seem so bad. Did it?

She needed to learn to control her new weird changes and even if she could not, what difference would it make. Everyone around her was a wolf. Maybe the change was for the better, as scary and daunting as it was and yet her instinct was to lash out at him. She was raging mad. Of course she was! Her lover had gone and actually changed her species—

Wait he was hundreds of years old maybe. If she was like him. Then that meant... immortalish.


"Adam catch me," she said falling back as she went dazed.

"Sara?" He questioned the woman in his arms as she stared at the ceiling.

"I'm going to outlive my family. I'm a dog. Everything is a lie."

"Calm down Bunny," he tried to reason as he placed her on the couch and grabbed a paper to fan her as she heated up on the forehead.

"Calm down! You changed my species! How do I make these teeth go away."

"I have them too? Have you never noticed them?" He asked. "It's because we eat more meat. I wonder if you have a wolf. We can go on runs together—"

"Too fast. Let's deal with the fact that I am a dog before you skip to any benefits!"


So this won't be the end. For anyone who has been anxious it will continue maybe. Um when is uncertain but I cannot end it here. I added a few changes too to make continuing a bit easier and I might add more in future.

Previous A/N
This is going to be the final chapter of this book. I may edit it in the future to make it longer. I am sorry it took so long and happened to be so short.  It was about half the word count I try to aim for, so hardly a good farewell to a book I have loved so much.

Thank you for all your support through the years. I cannot describe how happy I get reading people's comments on the book. But I have been struggling a lot with negativity on my books and it has really affected my writing and not in a good way.

I might still post updates on this book and fix up things or redo it at some point but it is still completely undecided.

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