Chapter 1

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Sara's eyes darted nervously around the dark forest full of tall trees which blocked out all but a few small distant rays of sunlight.

What had once been a small afternoon jog down one of her favourite paths at the edge of the forest had become something more, something strange.

However she wasn't able to turn around and leave, she just couldn't do that. She felt as if her body was being pulled like a moth to a flame to something she had no knowledge of. It was as if there was a rope fixed around her waist, pulling her towards something, forbidding her to turn around and walk away.

She held her arms, shivering slightly from the cold dusk breeze that ran along her pale skin, making the hairs on her arms pick up.

She didn't know how she ended up there. She turned around but couldn't remember the route she had taken to reach that spot in the absolute middle of nowhere, alone in a dark isolated part of the forest. She however, as if by an instinctual pull, kept walking further into the desolate darkness.

Her hands held her arms even tighter as cold breeze bit harder against the exposed skin on her arms which her t-shirt failed to cover.

Her warm top which she had tied around her waist had been caught on a bush, which had then pulled it off her waist, before barely a second later the wind and swept it away into the sky. She knew she shouldn't have ignored the gut feeling she that the knot wasn't tight enough to keep the top securely on her waist.

She was warm at the time after running for quite a while and even if it was winter running could make her warm enough to go without the warm top for a bit to cool her down from the heat that came with the exercise.

She suddenly stopped on a bed of leaves, pulled out of her thoughts as she attempted to move only to find goop on the leaves stuck to her takkies.

She continued to struggle moving off the leaves. She managed to lift her feet off the sticky leaves and walk a few steps forward before a net made of ropes sprung up from beneath her. The poor girl screamed as she left the ground without any prior warning having being given to her and she became trapped in a net hanging from a tree.

Her hands pushed and tugged on the ropes which surrounded her, as she tried desperately to get herself free.

"Help! Please! Someone, anyone?" She screamed into the darkness terrified, as any sensible person who was alone and trapped in a dark forest had every right to be.

She knew it was a mistake to wander off the path, it was as if the story of little red riding hood from her childhood didn't teach her anything. Well wandering off a path into a dark forest would be some sort of indication that she hadn't learnt that lesson of stay on the path.

Tears fell from her eyes as she lay back uncomfortably in the net squished with her legs against her chest.

She was scared, she didn't know when or if someone would come and rescue her because she was failing to free herself. She missed her family, her mother, her father and her two brothers.

Her fingers released the ropes and she began to sob as time passed slowly for the girl.

She heard footsteps and wiped her tears and covered her mouth to shut herself up.

The footsteps sounded like boots and a figure emerged in the darkness.

She felt to tired to scream or struggle to get free and get the person's attention, after struggling in the tree for so long.

She fell to the ground with a "thud" as a knife sliced the ropes in the darkness and soon enough she was being dragged along the forest floor in the net.

She felt rocks scraping at her pale skin which unfortunately for her, bruised easily and she knew she would be expecting some nasty bruises the next day.

Eventually she couldn't keep herself awake anymore through being painfully across the forest floor and her eyes slowly closed giving into her weakness.

Thank you to those of you who clicked on this book and got this far.
I hope you enjoy this book and if you do enjoy it please don't be a silent reader. This is probably falling on deaf ears but the authors do like to know that you like their book by simply touching that star although if you don't like it then just don't read. I haven't really had anyone say that to me at the time that I am writing this A/N bit I know it would really upset me and I'd likely take it down so if you don't like it then please either read silently or just don't read.
Thanks also if you just read this entire long and boring paragraph.

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