Chapter 31

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Sara stared at the King, waiting for the explanation as he nervously paced back and forth. His hand ran constantly through his dark brown hair and his lips kept mumbling words that were incoherent as he tried to think of what to tell his beloved.

She was anticipating his answer and he did not realise how nervous he was to tell her the full full truth. The truth that he was her beloved Fluffy and in so doing also a wolf. If he told her that he would lose his most efficient way of being close to her and comforting her. His wolf side communicated with her wordlessly but still better than his human side. She would vent to him in that form and he loved to feel her head rubbing into the nape of his neck, her arms around him and her affection. He was terrified to lose that with her but he had accidentally let something slip and he could not just deny her. Not when she-

"Just spit it out!" She exclaimed after ten minutes of nothing progressing.

"I do not spit and it is not something so simple Sara. You would not understand," he said continuing pacing.

"Can't be worse than being knocked out and kidnapped by strangers in your bedroom who use some sort of magic," she muttered.

"Sara you don't understand," he said frustrated as he gripped his hair and just wanted to scream or howl out in his frustration.

He could not explain why he was frustrated without telling her the thing he was frustrated about telling her about. He could lose her trust, not that he had it to begin with but he would have even less of her trust.

"No, no I don't because a certain someone won't tell me anything. How on Earth can I understand if you won't tell me. You're forcing me to be your Queen so at least treat me like an equal and let me understand. You kidnapped me twice, ripping me away from my family and all that I have ever loved just to keep me in the dark. Just tell me what is going on and.... I'll cooperate at dinner," she said, sighing defeated at the end.

Her offer tempted him. It was not often that his mate volunteered to behave at dinner. She had made a scene of locking herself in the bathroom to escape dinner. He had to tell her if it would mean he would have an obedient Queen even for just a night.

"I am Fluffy," he admitted.

She suddenly burst out laughing.

He wondered if she found it that funny. Maybe she had pretended to be oblivious or maybe she thought he was lying or joking.

Sara could not contain her laughter. The King was insecure about having fluffy hair or wild hair when it looked perfect.

She suddenly realised that she would have to behave at dinner just because he admitted that he was insecure about having fluffy hair.

She doubted that it was important that his hair was fluffy but how did that lead to him being bipolar. It was obviously important to him and she could not hurt him because of it which meant she had to go to dinner.

"Your hair is not that fluffy," she said trying to comfort him.

The King stared at his beloved, realizing she had no idea what he was implying and sighed, deciding to go with it for the time being. A misunderstanding was better than her losing all trust she had in him, not that it was very much anymore after he had objectified her not too long before, again.

He did not necessarily like her misinterpretation but it was still better than her screaming or fainting in shock and surprise before closing herself off. His wolf was still seen as a separate entity from him.

Eventually the poor human girl was dragged down to dinner where she was forced to take on her prescribed role at the table.

She was seated on his lap on a throne being tenderly doted on at all times even if it was wordlessly be it through gentle pets, strokes or lovingly nuzzling his head in her neck. He gave her tons of romantic affection that had everyone finding them absolutely adorable and fitting for each other.

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