Chapter 16

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Sara stared at her food on the King's lap as she reached for it with her hands after her utensils were taken by him.

"No Sara. You cannot eat with your hands," he said.

"But I want to!" She protested annoyed enough by the burn she had on her shoulder and not needing to not be allowed to eat, again.

"This is how things work here we've discussed this. You need to get used this," he said softly.

"I don't want this. I don't want to be a helpless girl dependant on a man for every single little thing. I have hands and  I can easily use them to feed myself and dress myself. The only thing that makes a man different from a woman is biology. Biology doesn't give him the right to control her," she said.

"Sara this is how things work around her. You need to accept that," he said.

"No I don't! The servants, they can dress themselves and feed themselves can't they? So why can't I?"

"Sara don't compare yourself to slaves and the lower class. You're above them," he told her.

"Do you have to be so sexist and classist all the time? All I want is to feed myself, at least when I'm in private. I'm not a baby and I don't need to be treated like one," she said angrily.

"Sara here women are fine with this system-"

"I am a woman and I'm not fine with it," she interjected.

"Look I know we haven't discussed this much especially after what happened when I brought it up but you are to be queen and I need you to be at my side and to respect me to set an example-" he said.

"I am not a puppet!"

"Never said you were one," he said.

"You are implying it though. I don't want to be forced into something where I have to give up what I believe in just to satisfy a man who is classist, sexist and has zero respect for my beliefs now if you won't let me feed myself then I suggest you leave this room because I am tired of trying to make a man as blind as yourself see any light!" She shouted at him.

"Very well then but I'll be back to take you down for dinner where I will feed you. You can be lucky I am more lenient than some other men who would force you to see their way in a more uncomfortable even painful manner which I refuse to use on you," he said placing the tray down and leaving.

As soon as the door closed she began eating with tears in her eyes.

She didn't want to be treated like a porcelain doll or a puppet for him to project his wishes onto.

She pushed the tray away from her once she felt that she had eaten enough and she glanced out the window.

She hadn't been let outside once other than when she escaped. It made her feel like a trapped bird in a cage.

She got out of the bed and quietly approached the door and unlocked it.

She went onto her balcony and noticed that there was a tree not far below. If she managed to scale the wall for at least a little bit she would be able to get there and she could escape, as hard as it would be without Google Maps to help her.

She fumbled in the drawer of her desk and found a pair of scissors that were there for her to use for sewing if she got bored not that she even knew how to sew.

She began to cut her dress shorter to help her move a little easier and to make it a little less likely to have gotten hooked on branches.

She then took out her gowns and began to cut them up and twict the pieces of fabric and tie them together to make a rope long enough for her to at least reach the tree branch that she had set her sights on.

She would be a Rapunzel that had no need for a prince to save her, however he was supposed to even do that.

She secured the makeshift rope on the balcony and scaled down, not getting as much pain as she would with rope burns from an actual rope.

She soon enough reached the tree and began to move swiftly through the forest, hoping she was headed towards her home.

She soon climbed down, deciding to go on foot until she saw any wolves.

She felt a strange pull at her chest, a magnetic one, the same one that had led her into the King to begin with.

She however chose to ignore it and kept on moving through the forest as night slowly fell and she kept moving, determined not to be caught by the King when he learned of her escape.

She stopped as she saw bright flashlights combing through the forest and she ran towards them.

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