Chapter 28

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Sara awoke to a large furry thing lying on her and jumped in surprise seeing a black wolf. A large fluffy midnight wolf that was nestled on her and lay over her legs like a blanket.

Her first instinct was obviously to scream, terrified as she backed away in fear, curling up on her bed. She felt her body shaking at the sight of the beast.

She watched as the wolf's blue eyes opened and she stared into them, her heart racing fast in panic.

She got off the bed and collapsed, still weak from the poison and she screamed louder as it rose to it's paws and got off the bed. She forced herself to sit up and crawled away weakly.

It lowered itself to the ground and she hesitantly reached out her hand seeing it wanted to be petted. Her fingers brushed over it's soft dark fur and it let out a low purring that came out as a satisfied growl.

Hearing the growling, Sasha pulled away in fright.

The wolf tilted its head as she pulled away, looking at it frightened.

It gently slipped its head under her and she hugged tight as it lifted her and then placed her back on the bed.

It jumped up with her and gently began to lick her, as if trying to calm her in it's own special way.

"F-Fluffy?" Sasha said softly and the wolf yapped happily in response.

"You came back to me," she exclaimed joyfully.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and she laid into him, snuggling into his fur and smiling.

The King donned a wolfish smile as he felt his human beloved's gentle embrace. Her soft smooth skin rubbed against his fur and he wanted to let out a low growl to show his satisfaction with her actions but he kept it in to avoid scaring her away.

He loved the affectionate moments he had with her. They were rare and small but he longed dearly for each one.

He loved being with her in his wolf form since she was far more open to showing him affection in that form. She viewed him as her saviour, the one who saved her from an attacking wolf. His human form only brought about resentment. She had been trying to accommodate him slightly. She had even kissed him once when they were close and their bond took a hold of her. The night before however had made it clear that she was not ready to be his as he wished.

He had had her kidnapped and he had locked her in his castle twice, in fact she was technically still locked away. She may have just made the agreement with him, to give him a second chance, just because she wanted to benefit herself in her situation.

It was wrong for a man to bathe a woman if they were not their mate or a family member. She did not understand their system of mates and he had tried to bathe her. It was no wonder she had reacted as she did.

"I love you Fluffy," she murmured softly into his fur and he let out a silent sigh upon her warm breath melding into his fur and her soft, gentle, endearing words reaching his ears.

If only the girl knew how much he loved her. How he had ran into her room that very night at the slightest sound of her discomfort and he had found her shaking and screaming in fear and pain and then comforted her in his wolf form till she awoke.

She began to drink the soup left on the side table and then once she finished she went back to stroking him.

He felt his heart race erratically as her hands stroked him adoringly. He snuggled into her and listened to her soft giggles that vibrated against him as he gave her a soft lick, cleaning her.

"Stop," she laughed sitting up.

He could felt his heart break as she told him to stop. She did not like his displays of affection and he whined putting his head down.

Sasha looked at the wolf as his personality suddenly changed.

"Sorry," she whispered stroking him as she lay back into him and he perked up again upon contact with her smooth soft skin.

He wanted more from her. He wanted to know her better, to be allowed to touch her and kiss her lips again. He wanted to make her his queen. Any she-wolf would die for the opportunity to be his queen, but she was not a she-wolf and it certainly made things a bit harder.

"You're so beautiful," she whispered over him.

He had to try his best not to shift back to his human form. He felt the need to shift and then kiss the life out of his sweet innocent and naive little human beloved. She had no idea that she was making want to act on the intense pull he was having to her.

He whimpered and whined as her fingers twirled his fur. The girl was torturing him without knowing what she was doing.

Suddenly her hands left his fur and he whined softly again. As excruciating as the torture of her touching him and not being able to act on it was, her not touching him was even worse.

Her hands held her head which had begun to throb terribly.

He noticed her pained expression and began to worry, letting out more whines to coax her to him.

She however fell backwards off the bed as she suddenly collapsed as the weakness in her body grew.

Her body pained as she lay on the ground.

Adam leapt off the bed as soon as she fell and shifted into his human form and brought her body into his arms.

"A-Adam," she whispered weakly, unable to even pay attention to the fact that a wolf turned into the King.

He growled as she coughed and curled into him.

She was supposed to be getting better not worse.

That was not the first relapse she had had. Either she was being fed the poison continually or the antidote was not working on her.

"A-Adam," she moaned softly in weakness.

He gently picked her up and laid her on the bed before calling a servant and ordering him to go and get the doctor.

Something was definitely wrong with his beloved and he was anxious to get whatever the problem was fixed, before it got very serious, if he did not already consider it serious enough.

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