Chapter 9

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He went into his office and called James.

"James I want a ball thrown tonight. I am tired of being patient with my beloved. Tonight I will announce that she is my beloved and she shall be my mate and queen."

"Your highness, I beg your pardon however would that not make her view you with greater contempt," James exclaimed.

"I refuse to let my beloved slip amy further from me."

"Your highness it is too rash, she is but a girl-"

"She is seventeen years. She is of mating age. Do give me suggestions since you disagree with my plan," the king interjected.

"I believe it would be too sudden. She has been trapped in her chamber for two weeks, with minimal contact. I am aware that she is your beloved however the status and expectations that are to suddenly be placed on the poor girl without any preparation. She'll be under a large amount of pressure. What happened that you would think to declare a ball and declare your engagement?"

"She denied any love for me. It sounds pathetic and foolish to be feeling such however it hurts me more than anything ever has. I need to show her that she is mine," Adam said.

"She is a human. She has no concept of what our beloveds are nor that she is your beloved. When we split from human society a female of her age and beauty would without a doubt be betrothed but she bears no sign of it. Human society may have developed different customs. Perhaps you should attempt to get an understanding of her culture. Even when we were amongst the humans, the few that had human mates encountered slight difficulties from the different societies, that is something that should be kept in mind," James pointed out.

"I believe so however she was going off about electricity and death and cell phones before she denied me her affections. If a ball is not the way to introduce her to our people then what may be. I cannot wait forever, the people deserve their queen, I have made them wait long enough," he said.

"I suggest that you hold a feast or a banquet amongst your closest although you should advise them not to bring up any mention of Lycans into conversation. Possibly allow them to bring their mates as well. Female contact with members of a similar status and class will help her become familiar with them and they may be a good influence for her. Humans do need companionship just as we wolves do," James told him.

"Very well get Elliot to prepare a banquet for tomorrow evening," Adam said.

"Of course right away," James replied.

"Do not extend the invitation to the mates of Thomas and Ethan, I find them to be quite manipulative at times and I fear they may try the same thing they did on your sister last summer," Adam said.

"I should not like to have that repeat. Cleo was in such a state, it took three days to get her out her room after those insults. Although she is slightly sensitive I believe your beloved's temperament is still vague to us," James said.

"My exact reason for not inviting them."

"Of course," James said before bowing his head and leaving.


Sara stared at the ceiling wooden canopy above her, the sad eyes of her captor that had stared at her when she told him her feelings were haunting her.

They were so sad and she could see the tears in them. She couldn't understand how her words could hurt him.

She was a dolled up little prisoner. She was mainly stuck in her room, forbidden to leave the castle, and treated like she was a doll, she was dressed up all pretty and did nothing, her feelings were by all means just.

She didn't get why his feelings were supposed to matter to her when he treated her like that. His reasoning for locking her up was that she had been there. She did not like being kept without any freedom and had a right to not be kept as such, she had no reason to pity him.

She heard the door open and saw the very man standing there.

"I apologize for running out earlier. Tonight you and I shall dine together and tomorrow night I plan on having some of my officials to dine, you will be present," he said.

"What!? I don't want to go. I am not a puppet nor a slave to you," she said clenching her fists.

"Either you come or I will carry you there. You will attend, regardless," he said.

"When is dinner then?"

"I believe it is now. I would have came to you sooner but I had work to attend to," he said, "Now unless you want me to carry you there I suggest you get up and accompany me."

She sighed and got to her feet.

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