Chapter 2

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"Your Highness," Adam heard a slave girl call him.

"Speak. What are your reasons for awakening me at this hour in the night," he groaned unhappy with being awoken in the middle of the night.

"The butcher sent me to confirm whether you had the intent of him killing the human female," she said nervously.

"Pardon?!" He exclaimed.

"Thank you for your time my king. I apologize for disturbing you I shall tell the butcher immediately," she said quickly hurrying out.

He ran the slave's words over in his head until he realized he had accidentally caught a human and the slave had seen his confusion as permission for it to be executed. He could not meddle with humans without cause.

He hastily followed the slave girl's route and found the butcher eyeing a terrified human girl that was stuck in the net on a chopping board with a butcher's knife right over her body.

"Seize this instant!" He ordered unable to allow the butcher to go through with killing the human girl.

"Alpha King," the butcher said bowing lowly to his superior and lowering the knife, taking it away from the helpless and bewildered girl.

"I do apologize miss, there was a misunderstanding on my part. I assure you, it was not my intention to harn you," he said giving her a bow.

He looked up and saw the girl looking at him, his eyes lost in her emerald green orbs that reminded him of the forest leaves and springtime. On further observation he saw the fear in them she was scared to death, trapped in a net after nearly losing her life.

His eyes grew wide as he saw how terrified the teenage girl was. She was trembling she had just managed to sit up and from the look on her face she could definitely comprehend she had been in danger and had not yet recovered from the trauma.

"Do calm down darling. Your presence here is a misunderstanding, I meant not to put you in harms way or to bring you hither," he said softly and calmly as he slowly approached her getting near her so he could get to her without her either having a panic attack or running.

"G-get away from me," she said trembling.

"Your highness if I may, I advise you not to waste your time on the human. She has already bore witness to too much for human eyes. It would be best to lock her up in the dungeon now," the butcher said and the girl began to breathe heavily and panic and fear became even more evident.

"Y-you're not human. Oh no. P-please let me go. I-I'll keep my mouth shut. I promise. J-just let me go home. P-please my parents-" she said shaking.

"I do apologize for the circumstances we have found ourselves in, however you shall not be leaving. You shall spend the rest of your days here. There is simply no other resolution, you have seen too much and I doubt your ability to hold your tongue on such an important matter as this," he told her

"I d-don't know what you are. P-please I just want to go home to my family," she pleaded, her fear not fading at all.

Her net was suddenly cut and she rushed to her feet as soon as she could and she took off only to be blocked off by the butcher who held a knife and she froze and prepared to be killed.

Her body was grabbed and pulled out of the man or whatever he was's path and she breathed heavily in shock.

A hand caressed her gently as it stroked her back with slow and soft movements while she tried to make sense of what had happened. Everything was fast and terrifying for the poor girl.

"Do not fret little human," a voice whispered and she looked up into the eyes of the man who had freed her from the net and she felt her gut telling her that it would be best to escape the crazy place and that's what she did- tried to do.

She tried to pry herself from his arms but found her attempts futile and he just held her closer much to her dismay.

"Your highness that thing should not be permitted to touch you. It is simply an insult. It should be taken to the dungeons at once, I shall call for the guards to remove the disturbing little thing."

She heard a low growl and she was held even tighter and she was confused and scared by a man growling as in actually growling.

She couldn't turn around to see anything, she wanted to, just as much as she wanted to get out of the crazy nonsensical place back to her family and nice cosy warm bed.


She began to struggle fearing she would be arrested.

"Take this man to the dungeons. Make sure he won't see the sunlight for quite a long time and I'll decide his further punishment at a later time. I do not tolerate being ordered around by someone so lowly as he," the man said disgust lacing his tone.

"I wish for him to be given twenty lashes immediately to convey the truth in my sentence," he continued.

The girl trembled in fear.

"N-no stop," she cried out horrified as she looked up at the man tightly holding her.

"Shhhh darling," he cooed softly in her ear whilst pressing her head against his chest. "He shall receive his due punishment for his disrespect towards me."

She heard the crack of a whip and a pained scream.


"Please stop!" She cried out.

The whip cracked again and another scream was let out.


She winced as the next one came and she felt guilt in her for causing someone's suffering. She really did not know how to forgive someone for wanting her in a dungeon and almost stabbing her but she didn't believe in someone being tortured because of a conflict that arose around her.

"10." "20."

"Remove him from my sight and lock him up now," the man ordered and the guards complied and she felt her body lifted in his arms and kept against him.

She was carried for a while until she heard a door close and soon enough her back touched a firm yet soft surface.

Strong yet gentle hands touched her and she trembled as the man looked over her.

"You possess such incomparable beauty my darling," he whispered and she didn't process it although she heard it. All she could think of was how to escape the beast.

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