Chapter 35

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"Your Highness a group of rogues has snuck into the castle grounds!" A guard exclaimed running up to the King.

Adam stopped immediately.

Rogues were dangerous, one had already tried to attack Sara in the forest outside the castle and the area he protected.

The guards should have stopped rogues getting in. He needed to seriously enforce the increase of security.

"I will go and deal with them then," he growled out.

"Adam what's a rogue?" Sara asked, not knowing what they were speaking of.

"Wild and dangerous wolves your highness," the guard replied to her.

Sara's eyes went wide at the thought of the King killing her beloved Fluffy. Was he not a wild wolf? She would never forgive herself if Adam killed him. He was so innocent and beautiful and kind and he protected her.

"No!" She cried latching herself onto Adam.

"I'll be okay Sara. Go to the dining hall so long I will be back soo-"

"No! I won't let you kill them! T-there is a wolf that saved me- Fluffy. You'll kill him!" She screamed.

Sara was mad, furious that he could ever think of hurting her wolf. She was going to be queen. She had to have some influence on him. He could not just kill her wolf.

Adam knew she did not understand what the guard had meant by wild wolves. They were werewolves or lycans that had lost their sanity or had committed severe crimes that deserved worse than death. Werewolves called themselves wolves for short. She thought they were referring to normal wolves. Rogues were conscious and yet not conscious in what they were doing. They attacked without clear reason and were incredibly dangerous. A group of them was even more dangerous.

It was natural for Sara to want to protect him and desire his safety in wolf and human form, she just thought they were separate and feared he would kill the wolf side. Being her mate she would not allow it to happen. He was going to have to find a way to force her to leave or he would never manage to get rid of the rogues.

He sniffed the air, he could smell the putrid stench of the outcasted, the rogues. They had entered the castle and were likely going to target the weakest first. The weakest meant Sara. She was unable to shift, unable to defend herself.

He quickly took her hands off his body and pushed her towards the guard. His beloved was in danger.

He felt his heart breaking as she stared up at him. He saw the betrayed look in her eyes. She felt as if he was breaking her. He had to remove her from the room as soon as possible. She believed her mate was in danger. She was a smart girl but all logic would leave her if she believed he was in danger.

"Take her to her chamber, lock the door and guard it, make sure she is not harmed. The rogues have entered the castle," he growled.

"No!" Sara screamed running from the guard.

Adam cursed the horrible circumstances. She felt safe around him in wolf form and since she thought it was him in wolf form when they referred to rogues it was natural for her not to be afraid of them because she did not know that he was not a rogue.

Suddenly a wolf leapt at Sara and knocked her to the ground. Its claws drew blood as it easily scratched her body.

Her body rolled as she hit the ground. She stopped rolling and clutched her arm that bled red.

It had all happened in a mere instant. There had been no time to even think of reacting before she had been injured.

She whimpered in pain. Her eyes filled with tears.

"F-Fluffy. W-why— W-wait you're n-not—"

Sara stare wide eyed and terrified as her eyes met those of a wolf. A huge terrifying wolf with crimson glowing eyes that had her frozen with fear.

Its blood coated jagged teeth exposed themselves as it howled. It had identified the weakest link, the vulnerable point and its instinct was to point out that point.

Adam growled. It was too late to prevent her being spotted when the first target was already set. Hw ran to Sara and shoved the wolf back before he could hit her.

"Sara! Get out of here now!"

The girl could not respond. She was paralyzed and shaking. She clutched onto her arm as tears fell from her eyes. Where was Fluffy. Was he not her protector. Why would he align himself with such horrible creatures.

"Demetri get her out of here now!" He yelled at a guard.

The guard ran towards the girl immediately. A wolf however kept at him and began engaging him in fighting.

The pattern continued with anyone who tried to get involved. It was obvious the wolves had singled her out as a key target. The weakest one and the weak point of the strongest opponent. To take her down would weaken defenses severely.

A wolf made it to Sara and bit into her arm making her cry out and Adam left the wolf that had begun to fight him and shifted. He forced the wolf off his beloved.

He growled furious as he saw a large bite on her arm with blood seeping. She was shaking, terrified and injured.

He stood in front of his vulnerable beloved, acting as her shield from the rogues growling a warning out at them.

Sara stared at the wolf in front of her in disbelief. She had seen Adam transform into Fluffy. She knew he was different but for him to be a wolf and the wolf she confided in.

Her attention was drawn from "Fluffy" by the snarling of the wolves. They were not what she considered wild wolves, they looked like what had attacked her in the forest. No wonder Adam wanted to keep her away and in her room. He wanted to protect her.

Two of the wolves leapt at him and he fought them off whilst making sure to block the one that tried to sneak around to attack Sara.

Snapping teeth. Growling. Leaping at "Fluffy". Clawing viciously. Menacing sharp teeth. Red glowing eyes. Eyes filled with danger and madness.

Sara was terrified.

A guard wanted to grab the future Queen but could see that the rogues were all focused on attacking at her.

He shifted and howled out, calling all available males to fight before he joined his King in defending the human girl.

More wolves joined until the rogues no longer stood any chance and were defeated.

Adam shifted and ran to Sara's side. Desperate to care for the girl he knelt beside her.

She lay helplessly bite marks and claw marks were littered over her body. Most were focused above her waist and closer to her neck and chest as well as her arms. She was curled up in pain as she lay bleeding out with tears swelled up in her eyes.

Adam felt useless. He had failed to protect her when she needed him most. If he could not protect her how would he be able to protect their future pups.

"F-Fluffy," she whispered as she saw him shifting beside her.

"Shhh Sara, relax. We'll get you to your room and have the doctor come help you," he said drawing her into his arms.

She instinctively leaned in closer, desiring the heat provided by him. Her head fell onto his arm and she closed her eyes tiredly.

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