Chapter 23

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Adam's large black wolf paced in the massive throne room. He was completely on edge, he needed his mate, his beautiful human. He couldn't help but think of the things he would do once she returned to his side. He intended to ensure she would never leave again by doting on her like no other. He had been advised that females loved attention and when they had once lived amongst humans, human females had been no exception to that, often being easily seduced by wolves.

Adam needed his mate soon, he was not even able to stay in human form. He knew how much his little beloved adored his wolf side although it was only as a companion and not as a romantic interest. However with compliments and doting on her and treating her like the queen she was he was sure making her see him as a romantic interest would not take long.

It had taken awhile for him to come to that conclusion. He had been fine treating Sara as he had been but whilst in wolf form and having no will to eat nor sleep he had pondered the reasons she ran away. His beloved would not have ran away if she was not happy and she had admitted to him as a wolf that she was not happy and, although he had hoped she would forget after two weeks, he had choked her, a few seconds longer and the girl would have been dead in his hands. He hadn't realised how sensitive she must have been.

He couldn't stop thinking of her. He remembered when he had accidentally ended up on top of her, something that was not supposed to happen whilst courting her, she had blushed and he had gotten a nice and up close view of her face. She was perfect in his eyes with her brown locks fanning out around her head.

He wondered how beautiful she would look on their wedding night, she was already perfect but the thought of her made him think thoughts that he wanted to yet at the same time did not want to shake out of his wolfy head. His every thought involved his beloved and some images of her in his head were not too innocent.

He was far past fed up with waiting for her to be retrieved. What was so downright difficult about snatching away a human girl from humans. He could do it so why couldn't his best warriors.

His mind went back to his beloved's beauty. Her forest green orbs that were her eyes reminded him of the emerald crystals which would adorn her golden crown once ahe was declared Queen.

He pictured her loving and affectionate gaze on him, sitting on his lap as he fed her chocolate dessert and she giggled sweetly as he messed on her cheek and he lovingly kissed her cheek and cleaned the chocolate whilst doing so and she laughed asking him to stop whilst till being amused by his actions.

He whined lowly longing to be able to express such affection to his beloved. He loved her with all his heart, even if she could be a bit difficult at times and did not truly understand his nature.

He was however excited to introduce her to the life he led when she arrived.

His ears suddenly perked up and his tail wagged as he caught a drift of a beautiful cinnamon, sugar scent that contained a bit of vanilla because vanilla was a beautiful scent for him.

His mate had arrived and he spun around excitedly. He was slightly anxious, she had ran away previously meaning she denied affections for him.

He didn't know what form to meet her in, she favoured the wolf side but the wolf would be his only means of consoling her if their relationship went awry again.

Reluctantly he shifted into his human form and dressed himself and his heart bounced anxiously with excitement and he resumed the pacing he had done as a wolf with his hand continually running through his dark brown hair.

The doors to the throne room were opened.

"First Knight of the Order, Sir Ellan Travis and Second Knight of the Order, Sir Tylis Ariman."

The King lifted his head as his knights entered with the First Knight carrying his beloved across his arms.

"Your highness, we present Lady Sara, your Queen, to you," Tylis said.

Adam lifted his fragile human mate in his arms and looked adoringly over her innocent face.

"You are dismissed," he declared and they left.

"Come my Queen-" he said smiling and then he looked at her clothes and found himself not so happy to see her dressed in pyjama shorts and a top.

She was a female, she was supposed to wear dresses but he remembered the time he first found her in her strange clothes, humans were strange creatures.

He placed a small light kiss on her forehead before carrying her through the castle to her new bedroom which was right next to his so he could make sure she would not escape and he could easily access his beloved to spend time with her.

He placed her on the mattress and pulled the duvet covers over her body and sat beside her and ran his fingers gently over her rosy cheek. His fingers then trailed down to her soft pink lips which he could not wait to indulge in once they eventually got married as he realised he did not want to force her into marriage too quickly. She would have a loy of expectations as queen and he knew that would be hard on her if she wasn't taught before marriage.

His fingers then began to play with her curly brown locks of hair, fascinated by them as he was with her every magnificent and beautiful feature that he was spending his time taking in and memorizing, keeping the details to heart.


Thank you to Ninja-bunny and Silverthe1Wolf amongst multiple others for voting and/or commenting.
I really was surprised to see that this book has passed 3k reads and 190 votes. So thank you to everyone.

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