Chapter 8

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Sara smiled softly as her head rested gently against the fur of the wolf with her hands entwined in his fur.

"I love you Fluffy, you're the best wolf ever. C-can we run away together," she said.

The wolf pricked up it's ears. Fluffy refused to deny the girl whatever she wanted on the other hand Adam was a king and had things to do. He could not run away.

He whined softly.

"You don't want to leave here," she sighed softly.

"I understand. I just wanted to go home to my family. I have realized how much I took my cell phone and wifi for granted. When I asked for a cell phone they told me the dungeons were off limits to me and they had no idea what a phone was. They are stuck too far back in the past-"

"I remember my phone is in the phone of my leggings. I just need to find my clothes that I wore when I came here and hope there is at least some signal," she said.

Fluffy barked in excitement, he hadn't seen the girl remotely excited before. If she wanted to go on a hunt for a device in her clothes she could go ahead with that. She was in desperate need of something to occupy her. She didn't know how to weave, knit, sew, waltz or sing. He wasn't entirely sure of how she busied herself otherwise but she had not died from boredom by then.

"I wonder if you're allowed here," she mused.

He knew he was, it was his castle, but she didn't know that. Anyone would recognize him and would bow and she would call him "Fluffy".

He turned around and laid on his paws.

"You want to stay?"

"Oh well, when I get back I hope I have my phone," she said giving him a kiss on his forehead before running off.

As soon as she left the room she realised she had no idea where to look for her clothes.

Suddenly she bumped into the last person she wanted to ever see, the King.

"Why are you out of your room?" He asked.

"It's none of your business," she muttered trying to walk past him.

"You are my business and therefore that makes whatever you're doing ny business."

"If I tell you what I'm doing will you leave me alone for another two weeks," she muttered believing she took the two weeks without him for granted.

"I don't believe so however do tell me."

"I'm looking for the clothes I arrived here in. There is a device called a cell phone in the pocket of the leggings and I want it," she said.

Almost immediately a maid ran over with her clothes folded and her phone on the top.

She held the clothes and the phone and put on the phone and saw there was only twenty percent battery left.

"Wait is there electricity here?" She asked hoping that the place had at least some electricity to charge her phone after all they could not have been that isolated from society.

"Do explain what electricity is."

"Nevermind. It's not like it will matter since you obviously don't have it to begin with. Now I guess it's just a matter of waiting for it to die," she muttered going back to her room.

"Fluffy!" She exclaimed noticing the large wolf suddenly being missing and Adam watched as her eyes surveyed the room for his wolf form and he decided to avert her focus.

"You were looking for something that will die? Why do you use it then?" He asked using his curiosity about her "phone" to shift her attention to him.

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