Chapter 6

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Sara shivered from the cold as she sat under the warm fluffy animal fur blanket draped around her as she sat, in front of the fire, on the couch, drinking warm hot chocolate in a mug.

"You climbed over the balcony! Are you that foolish!" The king yelled enraged and the girl squeaked in fear.

"Oh I apologize I meant not to frighten you, my anger gets the better of me on many an occasion, but you could have easily died from your stupid and foolish antics," he said.

"I'm sorry that I have had enough with this place. You have kept me prisoner in that room for two weeks with no contact with anyone but those maids who only talk to me when I need to do something. They talk among themselves and never to me not even when I try make friendly conversation with them. I'm sorry if I am fed up with this all, but I honestly can't help it," she said, her anger growing.

"A lady is submissive, polite, agreeable, does not raise her voice, question authority and does not speak unless spoken to keep that in mind kitten. You should learn to control yourself, you belong to me and must act accordingly. Your behaviour was very much unacceptable," he said.

She stared at him angered and hurt by his words and her mug fell from her hands and shattered and she got up from her seat and fled to her chamber.

She slammed her door shut crying and ran to her bed collapsing on it in tears as she sobbed into a pillow that she clutched.

"Be quiet and submissive. What am I, some little slave he can order around. I was in school two weeks ago, I had friends, freedom and I had a loving family. Now I'm practically ignored and anyone who speaks more than a word to me is only ordering me around or telling me what I've done wrong," she sobbed into her pillow.

She eventually got up wiping her tears and ran warm water in a bath so she could bathe herself at least once without those maids doing everything for her and making her scream for them to stop, that she could bathe herself. She hated being touched nude, she had had no idea how that had felt until the first bath with the maids.

She slowly lowered herself into the bath, hissing as the water touched her scrapes.

Her ankle throbbed but she wouldn't let him see that, she needed to prove she was strong so he wouldn't keep treating her like she was weak and inferior.

She eventually got out and dried herself and found some bandages in the cabinet and dressed her wounds before putting on the nightdress she had brought with her to the bathroom and she slipped her feet into the soft slippers and made her way to the bed where she fell on the warm covers and resumed her crying fest.

The king listened through the door to her sobs and his anger at himself grew. He was angry that he could never do anything right. He was so used to being in control, giving orders and noticing flaws and exploiting them at times and when he spoke to her he fell to his instincts and began to criticize her behaviour. She was human, he was aware humans had become more advanced since they had decided to disassociate themselves with humans as much as possible. They were obviously no longer in the era of men being entirely dominant over their female counterparts. The girl found it natural to oppose his dominace and will to claim her as his property although he was aware humans didn't really claim their partners as property. She seemed so fragile and submissive but yet wouldn't submit to him, she hated him. He felt it when he carried her. She showed signs of discomfort and reluctance.

He was so angry at himself for his mess up in cutting off her air supply when choking her, that he left her alone for two weeks in which when he was alone he would practice speaking as if she was there and then that day it fell apart again. He was raised to be cruel and heartless and it was backfiring immensely on his interactions with her.

Sara heard a whine breaking the sound of wind, rain, thunder and her tears.

She looked to the door that led to the balcony and she saw Fluffy sitting drenched on her balcony giving her puppy eyes, ones which bore into her very soul and that she had no ability to resist. The wolf would be like Ella and Coco, her dogs. They gave her comfort and she supposed the overly friendly wolf would as well.

She got up and ran to the door and opened it and let him in before closing it. He shook his coat slightly before finding the girl's arms being flung around him into a tight embrace over his pitch black soaked fur.

"Fluffy," she cried as she tightened her arms around him.

The wolf rested his head on her shoulder for sometime allowing her to cry before he decided she had cried enough and needed to be relieved of her emotionally distressed state.

He licked her ear and she let go of him giggling as he began to lick all over her.

"Stop it! I just washed myself, you're going to wet the bandages," she laughed but he kept licking her.

"You're fun Fluffy. Much better than the grumpy 'king' who wants me to be some silent trophy from what I can make from everything. It's all be quiet unless I speak to you, you will stay here without any reason just because I want you to," she sighed.

He whined in response his ears down and his tail not necessarily wagging anymore at her sad tone.

"Yeah I know and now he is angry at me because I tried to escape from the balcony and I could have died. I mean I understand that was the whole reason I didn't try that any sooner. I did it because I had had enough of all of this," she said resuming her sobbing and the wolf lay against her as she sobbed into his soft black fur giving up on cheering up the young girl and becoming her emotional support buddy who she could cry to.

"Y-you're the only one who understands me Fluffy," she sobbed her tears falling on the wolf's fur coat.

"I don't want this life. I don't want to be an obedient and submissive little trophy. I just want to be back on my cell phone lyng in my bed with my head phones on in a loose pyjama top and shorts. I want to be back at school. I want things to be normal again. I don't want to be a prisoner he can push around. I don't want to be isolated either, a person can only handle so much of it before they go crazy."

"But nothing is going to change. I have no one but you Fluffy," she sobbed hugging the wolf tighter.

"Fluffy you are my only friend in this prison."

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